Transcribed from Biographical history of Barton County, Kansas. ; Illustrated. Published by Great Bend Tribune, Great Bend, KS : 1912. 318 p. : ill. ; 28 cm. Transcribed by Carolyn Ward, July 2006.

1912 Biographical History of Barton County, Kansas



THE history of the public schools of Barton County since the first district was organized in '72 has been one of steady progress and consistent improvements. New buildings have been added and additional teachers employed as fast as demands made it necessary. The first school district was established June 3, 1872, by A. Hownson, superintendent of public instruction of Ellsworth County, Kansas, and included the following territory. Sections 20, 21, 22, 27, 28, 29, 32, 33, 31 in township 19, south of range 13 west. It was known as District Number 1, and included the City of Great Bend. The first meeting of the board which consisted of J. C. Martin, G. W. Nimocks and D. N. Heizer, was held in the store of John Hubbard in Great Bend June 15, 1872. It may be of interest to some to know that the teachers in those days were paid very small salaries as can be seen from the following. The teachers in the first district were James Bickerdyke, $45 per month; Mrs. H. Ingersoll, $20 per month: J. A. McClellan, $75 per month; Charles Dodge, $23 per month; Miss C. Storrey, $50 per month; Miss Haddie Hartman, $50 per month; Miss C. Bacon, $50 per month and Andrew McKinney, $40 per month. Soon after the establishment of the first district other districts were added until now there are in the county 104 districts, with 150 teachers and 107 buildings. The first superintendent of public instruction was A. C. Moses and the present incumbent of the office is Jennie B. Momyer. The schools of Barton county are among the best in the stale of Kansas and in 1912 the attendance is the largest in the history of the county, it being slightly over 1,000 in Great Bend alone.


The increased attendance during the past year is evidence of the increasing population of the county. So crowded has the two grade buildings become that it has been necessary to open three rooms for grade purposes in the high school building and next year additional room will need to be provided for grade purposes. At the present rate of increase it is only a matter of a very short time before a new ward building must be built to accommodate the children of the city. The course of study followed is the one used in most of the first and second class cities of our state.


New High School, Great Bend

The Great Bend High School is organized under the Barnes High School Law and therefore belongs to the whole county. The school is well equlppd with a splendid modern building, apparatus of latest kind in every department. This year a faculty of nine members, including the superintendent, is necessary to take care of the increased enrollment, and the new departments which are being added.

The school enrolled in 1911 about 200 pupils from Barton County and adjoining counties. This is an increase of nearly forty per cent over the enrollment of the previous year. Prospects for a still larger enrollment are bright for the coming school year.

Some conception of the many lines of work offered in the high school may be obtained by briefly considering the various courses of study.

The college preparatory course is designated for those whose ambitions direct them to a college course. It includes Latin, Mathematics, English, History and Science. Those complet-


ing this course are admitted to the Freshman class of the Kansas University and the other colleges and universities of this and other states.

The Normal Training Course is arranged for those who intend to teach. This course includes about the same subjects as those found in the college preparatory course but includes besides Psychology, Methods and Management and a thorough review of most of the common branches. Persons completing this course and passing a state examination in eight subjects indicated above, are given a state certificate good for two years and at the end of that time renewable.

Young people who are contemplating teaching and teachers who wish to become better prepared for their work should make arrangements to take this course. It is possible to complete the Normal Training Course and at the same time complete work sufficient for college entrance.

The Business Course is composed of the regular commercial subjects, book-keeping, shorthand, typewriting, commercial arithmetic, commercial geography, and commercial law, similar to those found in the leading business colleges, and in addition this course includes a greater amount of academic work. A great many difficulties on account of immmaturity found among eighth grade graduates who complete a course will be overcome by the time a good high school course is completed. Such a course gives one who enters business life an advantage that is worth securing. Knowledge is power, and the broader the culture the greater chance of success. If a business course without such training is good, a business course with such training is very good.

The Manual Training department which was established two years ago, and which has been in charge of experts during this time has proved very popular as well as profitable to the boys of the school.

No young man whatever his station in life finds the ability to use his hands in the production of some useful article detrimental to his success. All persons are not endowed with power to become proficient in classical or professional courses, hence the popular demand for courses which train for useful vocations along practical lines. The work done in this department has called forth much favorable comment on account of its high grade.

Tables, chairs, tabourets, pedestals and dozens of other useful articles suitable for any home have been made by the students. This work is carried by the pupils while doing regular high school work in English, Mathematics and Science.

A visit to this department would reveal a busy work shop or laboratory filled with busy contented boys, happy in the joy which comes from the conscious direction of muscular effort to the accomplishment of some useful end. No one can well deny that there is just as valuable kind of training coming from this effort as that which comes from the translation of a Latin sentence or the conjugation of a Greek verb. It is not the purpose to turn out finished workmen but young men with the power to direct the hands to execute what the mind constructs.

The coming year will see installed Domestic Science and Art for the girls. A room is being arranged with tables, sinks, cupboards, stoves and cooking utensils of all kinds. There under the direction of a competent instructor the young ladies of the school will be taught household economy. It is doubtful if a more useful or practical line of work can be found than this which teaches the future mothers of our state how to prepare food and care for the home.

The Domestic Art room will be fitted with sewing tables, chairs, machines and rockers. The work in sewing is just as essential as either Manual Training or Domestic Art. It may never be necessary for many young ladies to sew for themselves or others, but it certainly will ever be a source of satisfaction to know when a garment is made correctly and fitted accurately. It is believed these courses will prove very popular among the girls.

Another course for next year, which should reach practical needs in our county is agriculture. It is not the purpose of this study to do demonstrative work, but to teach in a practical way the science of agriculture. The course will be outlined by the state department and will include a thorough study of soil; its formation, kinds, properties, moisture holding power, methods of enriching and tillage; seeds; their structure, selection and planting; rotation of crops; principal crops, dairying, stock raising, etc.

This article should not close without calling attention to the school organization, which go to make up the school life as well as give a very useful training. These are the two library or rhetorical societies, the Y. M. C. A. and the chorus, the orchestra and the entertainment association. The latter conducts a splendid course of lectures and entertainments during the school year.

It is hoped the young people of Barton County will avail themselves of the opportunity to secure an education in this well organized and well equipped school.



GREAT BEND is blessed with a large number of churches representing nearly all denominations of Christian faith. Their history has been printed before but their growth has been most gratifying to those who work for the cause of religion in this section of the country and is most interesting. The history of these churches has been one of continuous struggle during the early days but all are now on a sound financial basis and have accomplished a great deal of good among the people and they add greatly to the desirability of Great Bend as a home city.

First Congregational Church

First Congregational Church, Great Bend

In the spring of 1872 a Sunday school was organized in Great Bend which was the foundation for what is now the First Congregational Church, the same being organized August 10, 1872. But one of the original charter members remains today in the person of Mrs. G. N. Moses, then Miss Ida Mitchell.

The Reverend Mr. Brundige was the first pastor, remaining three years, Rev. I. D. Phillips following for a period of four years. The following named pastors have served the congregatlon from one to eight years. Revs. Palmer, Prior, Bosworth, Carson, Schnacke, Sutherland, Brehm, and the present pastor, is Rev. Victor Lynch Greenwood, whose ministry began in 1912.

The Congregational church has always filled a large place in the community and now has one of the most beautiful and modern houses of worship to be found in this part of the state.

St. John's Episcopal Church

It was in the late 70s that the Rt. Rev. T. H. Vail, the first Bishop of the Episcopal church in Kansas, visited Great Bend and baptized the children of some of the church families then living here. Among these pioneer members of the church are found the names of Poole, Grimes, Livington, Shore, Manning, Ogle and Moss. These all at one time or another have done good work for the church, and of these only Mrs. and Miss Poole are left to recall the early struggle of this Mission.

Several years after Bishop Vail's visit, his successor, Bishop Thomas, came to Great Bend and after looking over the field, arranged for services in the court house, which were held by the Rev. Dr. Beatty of Newton, and, afterward, by the Rev. Kersey Thomas of Larned. These occasional services, however, soon laps-


ed, but with the advent of the Rev. B. Hartley who gave regular services from Larned, things began to look up. The German-Methodist church was rented for services and the prospect seemed to be very encouraging. Then came, as the first resident pastor, the Rev. W. Richmond, who was followed by Archdeacon Watkins giving occasional services.

While the Archdeacon was in charge, the congregation purchased the church, and now having a building of their own, church work began to take on a more roseate hue. The Rev. L. G. Morony now came as pastor, and was followed by the Rev. Geo. Belsey, and the Rev. A. H. W. Anderson, all of whom did good work for the Master. Then came days of decline, the church, losing her strength chiefly by removals and the pastors who have come in the later days have been able to do scarcely more than minister to the few faithful ones left. These have been the Rev. H. M. Green, the Rev. J. C. Anderson and B. T. Bensted.

The present pastor of the church is Rev. Robert Francis Hill who is doing good work.

Methodist Episcopal Church

M. E. Church, Great Bend

The Methodist Episcopal church was organized in March, 1873, by Rev. A. Hartman, who remained for some time as the first pastor. The Rev. John McQuiston was presiding elder.

The first church building was erected in the fall of 1877, and dedicated on January 20, 1878, by Bishop Bowman. This church was sold in 1887, a new site, the present one was bought and the present church and a parsonage built. The church was dedicated January 16, 1887, by Rev. J. C. Hall, assisted by Rev. Enyart, the pastor. The present membership of the church is 500, and all matters in connection with the congregation are in excellent condition. The present pastor is Rev. H. J. Cockerill.


Baptist Church

The First Baptist Church of Great Bend, Kansas, was organized April 2, 1887. It started with sixteen members, viz: Fred J. Lewis and wife, S. M. Smith and wife, Lucinda Tucker, Mrs. C. J. Crilly, J. E. Patton and wife, J. A. Miller and wife, David Mathewson, wife and daughter, C. C. Lewis, Morgan Caraway and Mrs. M. E. Fouch. Rev. N. G. Collins of Dodge City, presided over the meeting at which the organization was effected. What are known as the New Hampshire Articles of Faith were read, and it was agreed that they fairly expressed the Scriptural views of those entering the new church.

The following were the first officers: Deacons, Fred J. Lewis and David Mathewson; clerk, Morgan Caraway; treasurer, David Mathewson; S. S. Supt. J. E. Patton; trustees, S. M. Smith, J. A. Miller, M. Caraway, J. E. Patton and C. C. Lewis. The young church seems to have gone without a pastor until October, 1887, when Rev. G. E. Burdick entered upon the work, which, however, he soon resigned.

The present pastor, Rev. E. H. H. Tubbs, is a native of Pulaski County, Ky. In his young manhood he was a school teacher in his native county. His first pastorate was with his home church in the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary at Louisville, Ky., after which he was pastor at Browntown, Ind., four years, Freelandville, Ind., four years and Alfordsville, Ind. seven years. Then he came to Stafford, Kansas, for three and one-half years. This last work he resigned to accept the call to this field.

Presbyterian Church

Monday, May 5, 1885, by previous appointments, Revs, J. C. McEnroy, D. Kingroy and J. H. Ralston, representing the Home Missionary Committee or Larned Presbytery, convened in the M. E. church of Great Bend, for the purpose of organizing a Presbyterian church if the way appeared clear. Rev. D. Kingroy preached a sermon on "Church Order." The way being clear an organization was effected, eleven members being received. Present membership 148. Present value of the church building; and manse, $15,000. Rev. Wm. Westwood is the present pastor.

Christian Church

The Christian Church of this city was organized on October 14, 1899 by Rev. J. M. McConnell, who was the first pastor, and under whose supervision the present church building was erected in the spring of 1900. The present pastor is Rev. B. E. Parker. The membership of the congregation is 150, and the Sunday school has an enrollment of 120. The Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor has a membership of 65.

Roman Catholic Church

St. Rosa of Lima Church was built in 1878 under the directlcn of Father Lelix P. Swenbergh and Father Ferdinand Wolf. For many years before that the community and Fort, while there was nothing here but Indians, were visited by Catholic Missionaries. Father Wolf held services here while he was stationed at Dodge City, until October 23, 1881, when Father Schurtz succeeded him. He was located at Ellinwood, as was also Father Epp, who followed him. In 1885 Father Disselkamp took charge and held until 1888. Under his pastorate the church building was moved to the location it has at this time. He also made some extensive improvements. His successor was Father Hartman, and he was succeeded in 1888 by Father Kelley, who was the first resident priest. During his administration the bells were purchased. He was succeeded in 1893 by Father Browne, who was here during the hardest years that any pastor of the congregation has ever seen. His successor was Father Podgorseck, and under his term the parish house was built. In 1901 he was succeeded by Father Weirsma, who in 104, was succeeded by Father Schultz then who was in turn succeeded by Father Hermanns. Father Hull is the present pastor.


German Lutheran Church

Lutheran Trinity Church

Regular Lutheran preaching was begun in the city of Great Bend in September, 1905, services being conducted by the neighboring ministers alternately, first in the old school building and later in the present Baptist church. A congregation was organized August 30, 1908, professing the doctrines as taught by the Evangelical Lutheran Missouri Synod. In the year 1910 the congregation, still very small in numbers had the courage to do what seemed necessary for the progress of Lutheranism is this city, ie., to build a church house of their own. The new structure shown in the picture was dedicated July 31, 1910, and bears the name Evangelical Lutheran Trinity Church. Two weeks after the dedication the first permanent pastor, R. Graebner, was installed into office.

The Colored Churches

Great Bend has two colored congregations, the Baptists and Methodists. Both have handsome church edifices and have grown greatly since their establishment. The Baptists organized about thirty years ago and the Methodists some time later. Rev. Raimy is pastor of the Baptist. Rev. Greenlee is the pastor of the Methodist church.



Miss Typer, Now Mrs. Crocker of Hoisington

FEBRUARY 25, 1874, the Odd Fellows lodge of Great Bend gave a grand ball which was the event of the season, and on this occasion there was a cake given to the one who received the largest number of votes at 25 cents per vote. According to old timers who attended the ball it was a swell affair. The following taken from the Barton County Progress, a newspaper published in Great Bend at that time, will give an idea of the event. We also print a likeness of the cake and Miss Typer, the winner. Miss Typer is now Mrs. Crocker of Hoisington:

"Of course it was an Odd Fellows ball and if the secret meetings of this order are as pleasant and harmonizing as was the ball of last night the order is truly symbolical of the letters F. L. T. The music was excellent and the Great Bend string band's repertoire would do credit to a musical organization of the largest cities.

Dancing commenced about 8 o'clock and continued until 5 in the morning. The ladies toilets were magnificent. A great many of Great Bend's women were dressed richly and handsomely and exceedingly good taste was displayed. We venture to say that the toilets displayed at the gubernatorial ball at Topeka recently were not superior to those seen at the ball last night. The dancing was in the courtroom at the court house while the refreshments were served in the clerk's office. The refreshments were delicious and ample provision had been made for all who were there.

"After supper Judge Martin, at the solicitation of some of his friends, consented to auction off a big cake that had been made by Mrs. Faussel, and presented to the lodge. The cake was a handsome pyramid of the sweeteat compounds, welghiig about 60 pounds and highly ornamented with symbols of the Odd Fellows lodge.

"The cake was offered to be voted for at 25 cents per vote, and was to be given to the most popular young lady in the ha!1. The voting commenced with four votes for Miss Hattie Wells. Miss Mollie Typer received twenty votes, and somebody just in fun dug up six bits for three votes for Pollie Parkins, there being no such person in the assemblage. At the end of the first ten minutes the vote stood: Miss Typer, 180; Miss Wells, 170. By this time Mr. Markwort was championing the cause of Miss Typer while G. L. Brinkman was leading the Wells forces in the battle of ballots. After twenty minutes the vote stood; Miss Typer, 500; Miss Wells, 490. Then the voting was fast and furious and, finally after 2,700 votes had been cast, the auctioneer announced that Miss Wells and Miss Typer were tied with 1,350 votes each. Then there were ten votes added to Miss Typer's list and as the other side made no more offers she was announced the winner and the lodge was richer by $677.50."



(From Great Bend Tribune, January 29, 1909.) A couple of weeks ago we received a letter from Dr. Lightfoot. The letter is published first, and is then followed by considerable matter from the Tribune of Janury 3, 1880, concerning the reception of that date, and other New Year's news:

Mr. Will Townsley, Editor Tribune, Great Bend, Kansas. Dear Sir: In reading your account of the New Year festivities in Great Bend, my mind went back to the beginning of the custom, and I thought it might be of interest to your readers to hear of it.

Eighteen-eighty being leap year I suggested to some of the then young men of the town, that on New Year's Day we entertain the ladles. At that time I had an office over Allen's drug store. Cal Weaver and E. W. Moses had a nicely furnished room near mine, and after some consultation we decided to use these rooms for our purpose—my office being used as a kitchen, presided over by Mose Wells, an old time darkey and the other room was converted into a reception room, by removing the bed and instituting a dining table in its place.

The reception party of five consisted of Cal Weaver. E. W. Moses, Will Moses, Ora Dodge and myself. I was apuolnted to receive at the door, Ora Dodge and E. W. Moses took charge of the refreshment table, and Will and Cal took a hand where it would do the most good. Quite a number of ladles, married and single, called, also some of the gentlemen. Prominent among the young girls who are still living in Great Bend were Miss Jennie Pursell, now Mrs. Castle and Miss Annie Wood, now Mrs. E. W. Moses.

The next year many of the ladies received calls, and D. N. Heizer originated the idea of a reception in the evening, he inviting those who received and made calls to his home, then the little cottage on the east side next to the Diffenbacher residence. This custom continued for some years, but even when the calling was dropped the evening reception has continued until the present day. It has been a great element in the social life of Great Bend and I hope it may long continue. Of the original five who received in 1880 all are living but Cal Weaver. I am,

Very respectfully yours,
Excelsior Springs, Mo., 1-12-'09.

In his letter Dr. Lightfoot says, the custom of having a ball in the evening originated the next year with D. N. Heizer. D. N. was undoubtedly instrumental in promoting the matter, but that same night of which the doctor writes, a big Leap Year ball was given at which the gentlemen were the guests of the ladies. Many of the couples noted in the write-up of the affair were afterwards married to each other, but we expect the ladies will deny that Leap Year had anything to do with the matter. The write-up of the ball from the Tribune of January 3, 1880, is as follows:

"The Leap Year ball was the most pleasant one of the season. It was gotten up by the ladies who took advantage of the fourth year wherein they enjoyed certain privileges not accorded them often. They managed the affair in a business way, selected their company to suit themselves and for once in their lives—if never before—had things all their way. We give the names of all who took part in the exercises, and will say now, should there be any emission, we hope the ladies will not pounce on us, for it was with much labor and exceeding great embarrassment that we procured the list, in so large an assembly. It is possible that some may have escaped our observation: Mary Birdsell and James Hinchcliff, Mrs. Sooy and husband, and E. W. Johnson, Mrs. E. R. Moses, husband and M. B. Fitts, Miss Zachary and John Cegan, Jennie Pursell, Ed Dunaway and Mr. Losecamp, Ada Birdsell and W. Kelly, Mrs. Frank Wilson and W. W. Kearney, Bessie Johnson and Frank Wilson, May Kelly and Dr. Castle, Mrs. Hulme and Geo. Kellar and Mr. Hulme, Emma Mitchell and Will Webster, Lizzie Dodge and Frank Peffer, Luella Miller and Will Stoke, Nettie Dick and Mr. Osmond, Mrs. Long and D. N. Heizer, Mrs. Heizer and Fred Long. Mrs. Wells and J. M. Fugate, Mrs. Doty and Wm. Maher, Lillie Arnold and G. W. Wells, Mrs. John Lightbody and husband, Mrs. Evans and James Sweet, Mrs. Sweet and G. A. Evans. Mrs. S. B. Stokly and husband, Flo Diffenbacher and Will Dunaway, Ella Brown and John Taylor, Mrs. J. B. Mulks and husband, Mrs. Chaffee and Mrs. A. S. Allen and husband, Jennie Flint and Dr. Gebhart, Grace Buckland and Will Moses, Laura Lewis and W. M. James, Belle Brown and Ora Dodge, Mrs. Chapman and W. W. Winstead, Mrs. Winstead and E. L. Chapman, Anna Wood and Ed Moses, Mrs. Kidder and husband, Stella Eastey and Fred Zutavern, Mrs. Rowell and husband, Maggie Dodge and George E. Mitchell, Mrs. G. L. Brinkman and Dr. Bain, Hattie Wells and G. L. Brinkman, Jessie Prescott and Clarence Birdsall, Mrs. Pickering and husband.

The dance lasted until five o'clock the next morning and the large hall was densely crowded. Supper was served at the Typer house. The managers of the ball will have enough left for new spring bonnets and other absolute necessities. The ladies established a rule forbidding any gentleman from leaving the hall until the close of the ball. Numerous efforts were made during the evening to escape on one pretext or another, but George Moses being doorkeeper, it was a waste of time to plead for 'breath of air.' The ladies set an example for the men in the expeditious manner In which they filled their engagement cards which occupied a remarkably short interval.


The result of it was that those who came late were unable to find partners.

In the Tribune of January 3, 1880, we find the following notices: Cal Weaver, Ed and Will Moses, Dr. Lightfoot and Ora Dodge kept open house Thursday and were visited by all the ladies who made calls. They received in the rooms of these gentlemen in Allen's building up stairs and were elegantly fitted up with a beautiful supply of good things. They were the happiest set of mortals on earth and only regret that they had but one short day in three hundred and sixty-five to throw themselves away on ladies.

The following ladies honored the Tribune sanctum with their presence Thursday: Jessie Prescott, Stella Eastey, Mary Birdsall, Ada Birdsall, Jennie Flint, Emma Mitchell, Mrs. E. R. Moses, Mrs. G. L. Brinkman, Jessie Miller, Belle Zachary, Mrs. Sooy, Mrs. Long, Miss Dick, Jennie Pursell, Ella Brown, Belle Brown, Mrs. John Lightbody, Mrs. A. S. Allen and Mrs. A. C. Moses.

We tender our thanks to the above ladies who won us with a call. We appreciate the compliment greatly, enjoyed their visits and wish them all a happy new year, and fondly hope that each succeeding day of 1880 to its close may be as happy a one to them as the first one was to us.

Signed, Wm. Moses. Cal Weaver, Dr. Lightfoot, Ora Dodge and Ed Moses.

But though these dashing young blades were the ones to follow the idea of a reception, the idea spread, as witness the following notice in the paper of the week before, and which was largely as a joke on the part of the editor of the Tribune: "January the first is the beginning of the Leap Year and we are authorized to announce that the following young gentlemen will keep open house for the accommodation of such young ladies as may feel inclined to assert the privileges which the new year accords to them: Wm. Naher, assisted by his brother, Stanley, and George Stovall; E. W. Johnson assisted by Ed and Will Dunaway; Cal Weaver, assisted by Drs. Gebhart and Lightfoot; W. M. James, assisted by M. D. Skinner and Henry Moore; Frank Eastey, (If he don't go to the country,) assisted by Ora Dodge and Lynn Moses; Ed Moses, assisted by his brothers Will and Cash: (N. B.—Owing to the peculiar circumstances of which the public seem better posted than he does, Clayt will not take an active part in this business.) Clarence Birdsall, assisted by James Hinchcliff and John Cogan; Joe Howard, assisted by Ran Goit—no providential hindrance—and Ira D. Brougher; Will Stoke, assisted by James Clayton and Elrick C. Cole; (this is regarded as a sure thing all around.) Joey D. Fugate, assisted by the following kids: Ned Goit, Albert Kergs and Sammy Keifer; Wm. Webster, assisted by Wm. Kelly and Frank Peffer; Henry Moss, assisted by John, Al and Art; ladies over thirty ruled out; Wm. Osmond, assisted by Tom Clayton and Charley Carney; girls under fifteen strictly. W. W. Carney, no discrimination as to age but brunettes preferred; Wm. Losecamp, assisted by Wm. Teed and others. No reserved seats.

And then the Tribune of January 3, 1880, backed down. Witness this: We owe the ladies an apology for misleading them in our last issue by giving the names of young men who would receive on New Year's day. They left their names for publication as presented. but from some cause or other very few adhered to their promises. But at the same time the ladies are indebted to us for the few who did receive as they felt in duty bound to follcw the program after their announcements were published.



IN 1899 the City of Great Bend welcomed Cash Moses back from the Spanish war with a big banquet, the following account of which is taken from a newspaper of that time. The banquet was held in October and was attended by Great Bend's leading citizens:

"A reception was given to Colonel Moses Tuesday at the Woodman lodge room. Upwards of 150 people were in attendance. The evening was spent in a free and easy way, the guests being given the liberty to enjoy themselves in any way they saw fit. The Colored Glee club furnished inspiring music during the evening. Various amusements were to be had until the arrival of Cash Moses, in whose honor the party was given. In company with his wife he arrived on the Missouri Pacific at 11 p. m. On entering the hall Judge Cole welcomed the colonel as follows:

There was a sound of revelry by night
And Barton's capital had gathered there
Her wit, her wisdom and her chivalry.
Then spoke a stranger and he said,
What means these actions rash?
The answer came all down the line
'We're here to welcome CASH.'

"After receiving a cordial greeting by those who knew her, and after taking a glance at the hall and its appointments, Mrs. Moses excused herself and withdrew. An elegant lunch was then spread, presided over by Commodore W. B. Cornell, the director general of the banquet.

"Colonel Moses made an informal talk to the boys on the war and gave some interesting details, after which the following was delivered by C. P. Townsley:

"'Here's to the health of our honored guest,
Who visits us for a little rest,
But when he's through with this banquet night
He'll wish he were back in old Cavite,
For after all I feel assured
A man can die from being bored.
That the battle-field with its leaden hall
Is not more risky than Kansas quail—
    When mixed with other things.
We honor Cash for he bears a scar.
Received in this Aguinaldo war
In defense of the flag that proudly floats
Where Dewey placed it with his boats,
And in years to come when things expand
Cash will be glad he took a hand
In helping to save what the fathers left,
And in adding more to give it heft—
    When mixed with other things.

And we drink a health to this jolly crowd
Who'd have gone to war had they been allowed
But some were too young and some too old
And the women could not be left in the cold.
For the winter was long and the spring was late
And somebody had to care for the state,
And very properly that was us,
And we tended to it without any fuss—
    When mixed with other things.'

"The festivities were continued until about 1 o'clock, though many people left earlier. It was a very pleasant affair and all had a merry time"


EDWIN TYLER tells about his arrival here with the first people to locate on what is now the townslte of Great Bend. In speaking of those times Mr. Tyler said: "On October 16, 1871, there camped upon the present site of Great Bend Mr. and Mrs. Louis Frey, Thompson Frey, James Pond, Lute Morris, Paul Morphy, Henry Schaeffer, Chris Zeizer, G. N. Moses, John Tilton, W. H. Odell, James and Hi Bickerdyke and those who arrived on that date were Mr. and Mrs. E. Tyler, with their three children; Mr. and Mrs. Gromans and two children and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hartshorn. Those who were here gave us a warm welcome. The people began to establish their new homes and everything went well until the blizzards of November 16 and 17. They caused a great deal of discomfort. After the blizzard the Gromans left us. The first buildings consisted of the old Southern Hotel at first called the Drovers' Cottage, and one shack made of stock boards. There were no carpets on any of the floors excepting Mrs. Kate Frey's parlor, which was covered with a layer of grass.

One house consisted of four poles sunk into the ground with three buffalo hides, tacked to them. There were several of the old timers who spent most of their time scouting and making things as comfortable as possible for the women folks, some of whom were quite timid.

There never was a bunch of men who looked more carefully after the welfare of the women than did Barton County's early settlers. On the first evening after our arrival here the Pawnee Indians made the camp a visit while on their return from an expedition down to Medicine Lodge. Some of us tenderfeet were alarmed but G. N. Moses assured us that there was no danger but to keep near our guns. At that time there was nothing to hinder us seeing in all directlcns for many miles. In fact, we could see what was then known as Five

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