VOL. XIV  Norcatur, Kansas  Friday October 13 1899   NO. 41

Owned and transcribed as was by Luanne Henthorn. 

Included is only the information pertaining to Norcatur and Decatur County.
THANK YOU Luanne for sharing and taking your time in transcribing so we all can enjoy and benefit from what you have.

Click here to see a scanned copy of the Front Page of this paper.

First Column

Republican Ticket

For Sheriff                               A. CREICHTON
     Clerk                                 D. G. ADDLEMAN
     Register of  Deeds             M.A. DAUGHERTY
    Treasurer                            C.H. DANLEY
    Coroner                              SELDON MINER SR.
    Surveyor                             W. W. WALKEY


Township Ticket
For Trustee                               S.C. VENRICK
     Clerk                                 JAMES MAVITY
     Treasurer                            I.V. REAGER
     Constable                           W.A. EAKIN
                                                 JOHN SPEAK

Road Overseer Dist. 1               JOHN MCCUE
                         2                NEILS NELSON
                          3               JOHN MAVITY


Fourth Column

ADDLEMAN is 22, DAUGHERTY is 21, a nice pair of Kids to hold two of the most important offices in the county, such places need men of mature judgment, PLOTTS and LANG, ought to be elected unanimously. –Oberlin Herald

Yes! But does not the kid of 21 or 22 who had made a success of all he has undertaken display maturer judgement than an old man who had failed?

Of MR. PLOTTS we know nothing but we do know that DOT ADDLEMAN is abundantly qualified for the place to which his party proposes to elect him.

MR. LANG is a good neighbor, a nice man and a long time friend or ours but in that he has no advantage over DAUGHERTY. As far as education and training are concerned DAUGHERTY has a long ways the best of it and everybody who knows the two men knows this to be true. Say to a populist that MR. LANG lacks qualifications and he does not attempt to deny it but will say that the register has nothing to do but copy and anybody that can write can do that. If that be true DAUGHERTY is again in the lead. The facts are that DAUGHERTY has all the qualifications, judgement, education, ability to write and business training and will keep the register,s books in first class shape. His experience as kook keeper for the State Bank of Norcatur has taught him the value and the how of keeping books and business straight.

M. A. DAUGHERTY is all right and the Herald’s contemptuous reference to the “kids” will not hurt him or ADDLEMAN in the least.


Fifth Column

Burlington Route – TIME TABLE – Norcatur, Kans.
Lincoln                                                        Denver
Omaha                                                         Helena
Chicago                                                       Butte
St. Joseph                                                    Salt Lake City
Kansas City                                                  Portland
St. Louis and all points East and South         
San Francisco and all points West

Trains Leave As Follows:

No. 142.  Pas’r., East daily ex. Sun.,
               For Republican and all points
               East and West. . . . 6.15 A.M.

No. 141.  Pas’r., West daily ex. Sun.
               For Oberlin and intermediate
               Points. . . . . . . . . . 11.20 A.M.

No. 143.  Freight West daily ex.
               Sunday. . . . . . . . . 6.50 P.M.

No. 144   Freight East daily ex.
               Sunday. . . . . . . . . 4.20 A.M.

All regular trains carry passengers Except No. 144

Direct connection at Republican both East and West. Sleeping, dining, reclining chair cars (seats free) on through trains. Tickets sold and baggage checked to any point in the United States or Canada.

For information, maps, time tables and tickets call on or write to E.P. SWEENEY, Agent. Or J. FRANCIS Gen’l Passenger Agent, Omaha, Neb.


Sixth Column


WHIPS, Collars, Lap Robes, Harness, Sweat Pads, Repair work. L. D. REID.

W. P. ANDERSON for LUMBER, Building Material and Coal.
Norcatur, Kansas

WIL A. FORD, Carpenter and Builder. Plans drawn; Estimates furnished. Jobbing promptly attended to.

Take the Register  1$ a year.  We can give you two of the best papers in the country for the price of one. You can’t afford to arrange for your winter’s reading without first consulting our clubbing list. SUBSCRIBE NOW.

   President                         Cashier                    Asst, Cr.
The State Bank of Norcatur
A general Banking business transacted agents for Lincoln Land Company. Special attention given to collections and Insurance.

I AM DOING doing a good business because I am selling the best makes of Wagons, Buggies and Machinery of all kinds. My Windmills can’t be Beat.   N. B. NELSON.   

Decatur County Abstract Co.  OTIS L. BENTON, Pres.   Incorporated     W. A. SMITH, V.P.  Oberlin, Kansas.
Buys sale notes, School orders, County warrants, Sells and Rents farms and city property. If you want to buy the quarter adjoining you, call and see us. If you want to buy the quarter adjoining you, call and see us. If you have a note you are unable to collect, come and see us. We make a specialty of collections. 
Insurance, Abstracts and Notarial Work,
Some choice Alfalfa farms at a bargain.
Immigrant Agent for the Great Burlington Route.

Back Page

First Column

Published Every Friday, by A. P. COPPAGE.
Terms: - $1.00 a Year, Always in advance. Entered at the Norcatur, Kan. , post-office as second-class matter.


“I know not what the truth may be: I tell it as ‘twas told to me.”

Hogs  $3.00
Wheat  50c.
Eggs 13 cent
Butter  15 cents
Corn is worth 19 cents

Brunsey the Barber.

Attend the shoot the 18th.

STEELE the Photographer October 21.

Gent’s furnishing goods at T. D. MEEK’S.

The educational rally at 74 tomorrow night.

We are glad to see that TOM GALLENTINE is much improved in health.

DR. GOFF the Norton Dentist, will be in Norcatur October 17th and 18th.

Choice evaporated peaches for ten cents per pound at the People’s Store.

WILL FORD has about completed the KERSHNER, HECKMAN and MINNICH houses.

MRS. FETTER has bought 80 acres of ELIAS WARD farm, paying $400.00 cash for it.

PROF. MELLEN has rented the HECKMAN house and will move in to it as soon as it is finished.

Have EDMONDS, the Oberlin jeweler, clean your watch for $1.00. He does it right and guarantees his work.

O. E. MEEK has retired from the firm of T. D. MEEK & Son and hereafter the style of the firm will be T. D. MEEK.

G.V. MATHIAS has sold his place to a man from Missouri. GEORGE can “show” a man from Missouri if anybody can.

Some of the recent Denver visitors are asking what we know about 15th and 17th streets in Denver. Be careful gentlemen, or we will tell what we know.

The Oberlin Eye last week was so full of advertisement that it had to issue two supplements, one of them evidently taking color from the compositor’s hair.

ARCH CREICHTON, Republican candidate for sheriff was in Norcatur Saturday interviewing the voters. He is one of the three old soldiers on the Republican ticket.

Bills are out announcing a sale of JOHN TOLL’S personal property October 28th.  Don’t forget the date. If you want cattle or horses that will be a good place to buy them.

ARTHUR MORGAN returned to Kansas last Saturday evening. He looks as if the world has used him well. He will probably remain here for the winter and possibly for good.

LOST: - Last Wednesday on the road between Norcatur and the cemetery two new boys coats tied up in a bundle. Finder please return to E. HOPPES or leave at this office.

TED MINER was so rattled by the news that his wife was on the way home that he loaded himself into another man’s vehicle and went home leaving his team hitched to a post in town.

Saturday evening October 14th there will be held an Educational Rally at the Ward School house east of town. Addresses will be made by Profs. CULTER, COOVER, Ex. Supt. BAKER and others. Everybody especially patrons and those interested in our common schools is invited.

JOSEPH STOCKFORD, HODGON, Me., healed a sore running for seventeen years and cured his piles of long standing by using DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve. It cures all skin diseases. Norcatur Drug Store.

Second Column

See T. D. MEEK’S $1.25 shoe.

WALTER GALEY is back in Kansas.

Take your produce to T. D. MEEK.

Prof. MELLON’s wife and child arrived Saturday evening.

Get EDMOND’S to put a mainspring in your watch for $1.00.

For the nicest cuts of the freshest beef, see BROOKS & KIOUS.

Rev. and Mrs. SHARP are visiting at Rev. OSMANS this week.

You can get corn Cribs of HOLLISTER & HICKS that cost you less than 1 cent per bushel.

Mrs. TED MINER and the boys arrived home from their Arkansas visit Wednesday.

Mrs. CASTLE is at Wichita this week as delegate to the Grand Lodge of Rebeckha’s.

MANSON and JAY DAUGHERTY attended Workman Lodge at Jennings last Thursday evening.

The General will have a mighty fine house if he puts all the lumber into it that ANDERSON is selling.

Mr. SLOAN, JOHN’S brother, arrived Tuesday evening and will move on to his farm over in Norton county.

Mrs. J. H. SAYLES was quite sick the first of the week but is better at this time and will probably pull through without a long sick spell.


3000 Cherry trees choice, tested varieties at 30 to 50 cents each, as fine as ever grew and grown right at home, and will furnish Peach at 20 to 25 cents each, apple 15 to 20 cents all stock guaranteed as represented.  J. H. SAYLES

Oberlin expects to have a foundry and machine shop. If we catch the drift of the report in the Oberlin papers the commissioners appropriated $117.00 of county funds to induce the foundry to locate at Oberlin. This will be a good thing for Oberlin but the people down in this part of the county are asking what right the commissioners have to appropriate public money to a private enterprise for the benefit of Oberlin.

Report of room 1 Norcatur Public School for month ending September 29th 1899.
Number of pupils enrolled for entire month.  35
Percentage of Attendance   .73
Percentage of Absentees    .27
Percentage of Tardiness     .02

Visitors during month : Messrs J. C. FREWEN, F. M. MYERS, I. KEENER, Misses FLORENCE MCNEAL, SADIE DOWLING, ROSENA SWEANEY, MADGE CORNS, JENNIE BELL, PEARLE BELL. Patrons are earnestly requested to visit the school, as the best work cannot be down without mutual co-operation. Respectfully submitted, EDGAR L. DOOM, Principal.

Report of room 2 Norcatur Public school month ending
September 29th 1899.
No. pupils enrolled           40
Average attendance          33
Percentage of absentees  .82
Percentage of tardiness   .01
Visitors during month:  J. C. FREWEN, F. M. MYERS, I. KEENER.
Respectfully EVIE WORRALL Teacher.

Third Column


There will be a box social and entertainment at the Ward School house, District 74, Norton county the evening of October 28th 1899. Girls come bringing a box and boys come prepared to buy and enjoy a good supper. The proceeds to go toward school library. Come everybody and help in a good cause, your work will be appreciated.  NELLIE M. DOWLING, Teacher

Mrs. Dr. MINER and her brother O. G. SMITH of Wichita drove down from Oberlin last Thursday for a visit with TED. Mr. SMITH is one of those genial gentlemen who make you wish they would call again. We enjoyed a short visit with him in the course of which he found many nice things to say of Norcatur and our part of the country. He was most favorably impressed with all that he saw. He took the R. I. for Wichita Saturday.

The band boys are all telling with delight of the treatment accorded them in Denver. The Denver papers the officers of the carnival and the great crowds that thronged the streets all give them words of high praise and they were chosen to play at the reception of the queen of the carnival – a high honor. The band called the attention of the world to Oberlin – Eye.

Norcatur shares in the pride felt for the success of the Oberlin band if not in the honor which it brings to Oberlin. Five of our boys played in the band that won third prize at Denver.

Fourth Column


ELVA FAY HOLBEN, daughter of Mr. And Mrs. GEORGE HOLBEN was born June 2nd 1898. Departed this life October 5th 1899. Age 1 year 4 months and 3 days. Funeral services were held at the Lutheran church Friday afternoon and the remains laid in the Norcatur cemetery to await resurrection morn. Rev. JONAS FREET officiating.

MADGE CORNS started to school at Norton last Monday.

Mr. And Mrs. OSCAR MEEK started Wednesday for Chicago.

Mrs. C. FLOWERS is somewhat improved health though still far from well.

The U.B. conference has returned Rev. S. L. BARNES to the Norcatur charge for the coming year.

MARY E. wife of SAMUEL POWELL of Lyle, died Saturday, Oct. 1, aged sixty five years. of intermittent fever. She was buried Monday. The POWELLS are among the oldest settlers in the county. –Eye

Mr. And Mrs. HENRY SIMMS, old-time friends of W. J. MAYES and family, arrived in Norcatur for a visit and we hope, to locate. The few minutes conversation we had with Mr. SIMMS convinces us that we need that kind of people.

An emigrant car in charge of G. W. FRY arrived here last Thursday from Mt. Sterling, Ill. The goods belong to Mr. GRAVES and Mr. HILL, relatives of JOHN TOLLE’s, who, with their families, are on their way to Kansas with teams. They are coming to occupy some of the unoccupied land of Decatur county.

A.P. COPPAGE, of Norcatur Register, was up Saturday. He came over to the Eye office during our absence and made an abject apology to our compositor – Oberlin Eye.

Fifth Column

Dad SHEPHERD went to Omaha Wednesday.

Messrs. FRANK and HARRY SAYLES are enjoying a visit with their brother who lives in Nebraska.

Mrs. W. J. HARRIS has sold her land to CHARLEY SLOAN and will move to Norcatur as soon as she can build a house.

Mrs. HARVY KIOUS and Master HOWARD and Mrs. H. H. MILLER started Wednesday morning for Darlington, Indiana for a visit.

M.E. quarterly meeting will be held at Lyle, October 21st and 22nd.

Rev. BATES, of Jennings, will represent the P.E. on the occasion.

Skunks are very plentiful, aggressive and hard to kill. One of them chased LINK HARE from the basement to the roof of the elevator the other day.  To be sure the beast never left the boot where it was hidden but LINK thought it was coming and flew just the same. Then he and JOE KIOUS took turns shooting it until they had pumped about a pound of lead into it and still it was not satisfactorily dead but was taken out and placed in a pile of ties where JIM MCCURDY shoe it a few times.  JIM says the next time he shoots a skunk for anybody he wants to know that is it not dead when he commences on it. It takes to much powder to kill a dead skunk. The whole outfit are liable to arrest for cruelty to animals.



G.A.R.  Norcatur Post No. 413. Meets on the first and third Saturdays of each month. Visiting Comrades, in good standing are cordially invited to attend. A. FRY Commander  JOE BROOKS, Adjutant

I.OO.F No. 350. Meet at their hall in Norcatur, every Tuesday evening. Visiting members, in good standing are invited to meet with us.  G. C. JORN, N. G.    JOHN R. BROOKS, Secretary

DEGREE OF HONOR, Norcatur Lodge No. 194; meets 1st and 3rd  Friday evening each month at the Society Hall. Visiting members are cordially invited to meet with us. ELLA BARLOW, C. of H.   AGNES SWEENEY, Recorder

W.R.C. No. 30. Meets every second and fourth Saturday of each month.  EVALINE MAVITY Pres’t.    L. HUGGINS, Secy.

REBEKAH – Norcatur Lodge No. 315, meets at the society hall every Saturday evening. Visiting members in good standing always welcome.   Mrs. S. NELSON, N.G.   Mrs. R. OSMAN, Secretary

A.O.U.W. – Norcatur Lodge No. 372, meet each Friday night in Masonic Hall. Visiting members cordially invited to meet with us.  J.W. BULLARD, M.W.      M.A. DAUGHERTY, Recorder

M.W.A. Norcatur Camp No. 3670, meets every alternate Wednesday evening at the society hall. Visiting Neighbors, in good standing, are invited to meet with us.  F. J. CASTLE, Ven. Consul.    FRANK CASTLE, Clerk

Norcatur Lodge, No. 317 A.F. & A.M. meets Thursday evenings on or before each full moon. Visiting bretheren are cordially invited to meet with us.  A.P. COPPAGE, W.M.     Dr. C.V. CORNS, Secretary

District Court No. 854, Supreme Court of Honor meets every second and fourth Monday evening. Visiting members cordially welcomed.    J. M. RONEY, W.C.      J. C. SAYLES, Recorder

First Publication September 29, 1899, 363
Land Office at Colby, Kansas Sept. 26th 1899.
Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of her intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Clerk District Court at Oberlin, Kansas on Nov. 11 1899, viz:


Mother and heir of IVER W. FOSTER, deceased H. E. No. 15540 for the S.E. ¼ of section 8 Township 2 S, range 26 W. She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: TYREL D. MEEK, WILLIAM DAVIS, CLARK E. BELL and WILLIAM H. CUTSHAL all of Norcatur, Kansas. The testimony of Claimant will be taken before the Clerk of the District Court at Winterset, Iowa.  KLEBAR E. WILLCOCKSON, Register


ST. JAMES HOTEL  Oberlin, Kansas  M. BARLOW, Prop.
G. W. SMITH  Auctioneer


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