Kansas Map

Gove County Kansas

1880 Census

Township 4-29


1880 Census of Township 4 Range 29, Gove County, Kansas, enumerated by J.A. Lewis on June 16, 1880

Last NameFirst NameSexAgeRelationship to HeadSingleMarriedOccupationPlace of BirthFather's BirthplaceMother's Birthplace
CrabbWashingtonM49  XFarmerOhioOhio*Ohio
CrabbPhilaF49Wife XKeeping HouseVermontVermontConn
CrabbMaggieF17DaughterX  IowaOhioVermont
CrabbEzridM13SonX Help FarmIowaOhioVermont
CrabbChristopherM11SonX Help FarmWisGermanyGermany
DeckerAmos M.M44 X FarmerOhioMassCon
MeyersDaniel A.M35  XFarmerIllIllIll
SelsterAugustM41 X R.R. Emp.GermanyGermanyGermany
MillerErnestM24 X R.R. Emp.GermanyGermanyGermany
WachterWm.M25 X R.R. Emp.GermanyGermanyGermany
McConnellMary E.F37    PaPaPa

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