Gove County Kansas

Newspaper Items
Gove County Republican Gazette


Included are news items that pertained to Gove County with the primary area of interest being Jerome Township and the"Jerome Pickups" section of the newspaper.

I've been over the spelling, and I know there are typos, but that is how they were originally printed, so I kept to the original. If the news came from a certain section (like "Jerome Pickups"), I kept those together under the appropriate heading.

Graciously transcribed and contributed by Sheri Stittsworth Huerta in August 2004. THANK YOU Sheri for sharing and taking your time in transcribing so we all can enjoy and benefit from what you have.

Gove County Republican Gazette - September 28, 1905
Republican Gazette Vol. 17, No. 26
Gazette Vol. 20, No. 26
Kansas State Historical Society Microfilm G743

- J. A. WILSON, Clerk of the District Court, who, with his family, drove to New Mexico several months ago, on account of the illness of Mrs. WILSON, has returned home again. Mrs. WILSON remained in New Mexico and her health is improving.

- Mrs. Elizabeth STITTSWORTH, of Knoxville, Iowa, who has been stopping with her son, Frank STITTSWORTH, and family, in Jerome township, this county, for a visit, returned home, last week. This is the first time in thirteen years they have had the pleasure of visiting together.

- Frank STITTSWORTH, farmer and stockman, of Jerome township, accompanied by his son, George, dropped in to see us while in the city, Tuesday. He renews his faith in this news disseminater by paying for another year's subscription for himself, and his father. He was also accompanied by T. J. HECKENLIVELY.

- Mrs. A. J. OAKES, living near Grainfield, is a rustler. She reports having raised 100 turkeys, 250 chickens and 40 ducks during the past season, besides doing her household duties. Now, how's that for a women, past the average age allotted to women, and that, too, in western Kansas. Who can beat that? Lets hear from the women.

- The street carnival given at Grainfield last week was largely attended and an enjoyable time was had. True there was considerable grafting, but that usually goes with gathering of this sort. People going to such doings expect it and would be disappointed if they did not find it. It is pretty hard to estimate the crowds for the three days, but there must have been more than a thousand. The crowd Saturday was estimated at 600 or more.

- Mrs. J. W. BENSON has taken two of Gust ANDERSON's children. Clara dn the baby to care for them during the illness of Albert and Jennie.

- The German Babtist Brethren will hold their Communion Services in their large church at Quinter on Saturday November 4. All are invited.

- W. H. MILLER, of Chillicothe, Mo., representing the Oliver Type Writer Co. of Kansas City, was here yesterday in the interests of said company.

- New line of Duck Coats and overcoats for men and boys just opened. Complete line of Overalls and Jumpers. Our prices are the lowest. W. A. COOK & Co.

- H. M. WOLFE, late proprietor of the Star Restaurant, will return to Bonner Springs, Kansas, where his parents live. The best wishes of his friend go with him.

- R. H. SAMSON, banker, lumber dealer and all around business man of Quinter was a county seat visitor, on business last Friday. He also attended the doings at Grainfield Saturday.

- A. FICK, living down in the northeast corner of Scott county, and who owns a ranch valued at $1200 situated in the southwest part of this county, was here Monday and called to see and square himself with the printer.

DIED.- At his home north of Park, on Monday September 25, 1905, C. W. COOLEY aged about 36 years. Funeral services by Father SMITH of Angles, assisted by Father WALTMEIER, of Park.. Deceased was a highly respected citizen, a member of the Catholic Church and leaves a wife and one child to morn their loss.

Gove County Republican Gazette - December 21, 1905
Republican Gazette Vol. 17, No. 38
Gazette Vol. 20, No. 38
Kansas State Historical Society Microfilm G743

Local and Personal

- Next Monday is Christmas.

- Dr. J. H. McNAUGHTON is in Topeka.

- L. E. GRAHAM has returned to Topeka.

- FOR SALE.- Good Shepherd Pups Call at this office.

- P. C. COOK is home from Lawrence to spend the holidays.

- E. C. PRATHER of Grinnell township dropped in to see us while in town yesterday.

- Frank STITTSWORTH and F. L. BENTLY of Jerome township were county seat visitors Tuesday.

- H. L. FILSON and wife, living near Tweed, were trading with our merchants last Saturday.

- Joseph SWARTZ, farmer and stockman of Payne township was a county seat visitor last Saturday.

- WANTED - Fifty head of cattle to winter. E. W. SIMPSON, 4 miles south west of Gove City KS.

- Alex HANEY, president of the Quinter Telephone Company dropped in on us while in town last Friday.

- J. A. LEWIS and daughter Hulda and his son in-law Mr. E. J. LUNDGREN, were Gove City visitors last Saturday.

- All persons indebted to us will please call and settle up. - DRS. J. F. & J. H. McNAUGHTON

- Another dance will be given at Comedy Hall, Monday night Dec. 25, Christmas night.

- The ROSE Bro. want to buy chickens. They pay cash. See their adv. in this issue.

- John SMITH and Henry PAGEANKOF of Abilene, Kansas, were here looking up land last Friday.

- BORN.- To Mr. and Mrs. J. L. BEINECKER, on December 19, 1905, a boy all doing nicely. We smoke.

- J. H. BELL, of Garnett was here last Saturday in the interest of the Sam'l Dodsworth Book Co.

- Elder D. A. CHRIST and two sons, Roy and Floyd, and O. T. JAMISON, all of Baker township, were county seat visitors, Monday.

- WANTED. - Hens and Pullets. Will pay cash. See us before you sell. ROSE BROS. Gove City, Kans.

- Peter R. SCHAMBER, son of Peter SCHAMBER, of Paris and Peter SCHWARTZ, cousins, were Gove City visitors Tuesday: They made this office a pleasant call.

- Peter SCHAMBER and Andrew LINNEBERGER, of Park, were upon our streets Monday. They report five new families consisting of twenty-five persons lately arrived at Park.

- The Kansas City Daily Star and Times and Sunday Star and The Gove County REPUBLICAN GAZETTE, fourteen papers each week for one whole year, all for only $5.20, at this office.

- John A. DONIELSON, one of the head push of the firm of Rundberg & Donielson general merchants of Orion and and one of the fathers of this bustling little sister town, was transacting business in Gove City Monday.

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