Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church

Hermansberg, Kansas

(Taken from the booklet, “A Century of Blessings, The Story of Hermansberg,” @ 1969 Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church, Hermansberg, KS).

To understand the formation of our congregation we must be able to see the guiding hand of God in the affairs of men and of nations. He moves tom to do his good and gracious will.

So it was that in 1854 Congress passed the Kansas-Nebraska act, which provided that both territories should decide by ballot whether to enter the Union as free-, or as slave-states. This set the stage for both the northern free states and the southern slave stages to encourage and promote settlers to come to Kansas. For those seeking to bring Kansas into the Union as a free state, Chicago and Cook County, Illinois, were prime recruitment centers because there were large numbers of immigrants from Northern Europe, many of them farmers, arriving there every year. Many of these were Germans, Lutherans who had left their home-land, just as the Saxon immigrants of twenty years before, who had gone to Perry County and St. Louis, Missouri, because the Lutheran Church in Germany was no longer teaching the Word of God in truth and purity. They had heard that in northern Illinois were those who taught “God’s Word and Luther’s Doctrine Pure.” Loyalty to God and His Word and the welfare of their own immortal souls and those of their children, were more precious to them than even family ties. And so they came to the New World. There they heard of opportunities to be found on the Kansas prairies. Among those who heard of these opportunities were the brothers Heinrich and Friedrich Friedrichs, who in 1858 became the first Lutherans in this area. They acquired land along the winding Horseshoe Creek in Herkimer Township and established their home.

............These early Germans lacked all spiritual ministrations. Occasional visits by liberal, itinerant preachers did not satisfy their wants. The desire grew for a church of their own, where the pure Word would be preached to them in a language they understood, and where the stately, doctrinal hymns of the Reformation would be sung in every service.

While no correspondance has been preserved from that early date, still the German settlers must have made known to their fellow Lutherans in the Chicago area their dire need for a pastor. Among those coming to Kansas from Cook County in the Fall of 1867 were two families, the Johann Bandicks and the Friedrich Westermanns. These stopped on the way here to visit with the Lutheran pastor in Atchison where a congregation had been formed the year before. They told the Rev. G. Landgraf of the needs of the settlers on the Horseshoe Creek and invited him to visit there.

That visit was made the following summer. On June 7, 1868, the Rev. G. Landgraf conducted the first Lutheran services in the area in the home of Friedrich Westermann. The Lord’s Supper was celebrated and one child, Margaretha Schotte, was baptized. Four others that were scheduled to be baptized were not brought to the service.

As a result of his visit here, Pastor Landgraf wrote an urgent letter to Dr. C.F.W. Walther, President of the Concordia Theological Seminary of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Missouri, Ohio and Other States (UAC) in St. Louis, informing Dr. Walther of the spiritual plight of the settlers and the bright prospects for establishing a congregation here.

Dr. Walther immediately sent a theological student Vicar Jonas Mattias, for the summer months of July and August. He made his home with Friedrich Westermann and during those two months conducted services on Sunday and taught a Christian Day School on week days.

The Church Site Selected

One afternoon, that summer of 1868, Vicar Matthias led his pupils to the top of the hill where our church now stands. One of the girls in that group was Emilie Grote, aged thirteen. Years later she would tell her children that the Pastor had said, “This is Hermansberg. Some day we will build a church here.” The “Hermansberg” referred to Vicar Matthias’ home in Germany.

The new congregation in Herkimer Township was on its way, even though it had no name, no constitution and no property. Yet it was truly a church according to the Savior’s promise, “Where two or three are gathered in My name, there am I in the midst of them.”

At the end of August in 1868 it was necessary for Vicar Matthias to return to St. Louis to complete his theological training. His congregation did not forget him, and sharing his dream of a “Church on the Hill” was Friedrich Westermann, with whom the Vicar had made his home. He quietly obtained title from the United States of these forty acres on November 30, 1868.

After his graduation in 1869, the congregation he had left in Kansas the year before issued a call to Candidate Matthias to become their first regularly called pastor. On the ninth Sunday after Trinity, July 25, 1869, Candidate Matthias became Pastor Matthias, ordained and installed by the Rev. G. Landgraf of Atchison, Kansas.

Only two weeks later.....August 8, 1869, the formal organization of the congregation took place with the adoption and signing of the constitution and the election of officers. The following is a complete translation of the official minutes of that first congregational meeting:

“The first session of the congregational meeting was held on the 8th of August, 1869, and began with a hymn and prayer. Then the prepared constitution was read, discussed and adopted by the signing of names. Then the election of the council was held and the results announced. Elected were, Mr.Fried. Westermann as Trustee, Mr. Heinrich Meier as first, and Mr. Louis Kneehs as second chairan. Further, it was decided that our church and congregation should be named “The Immanuel Church and Congregation at Hermansberg.” The salary of the pastor was fixed at $300. The meeting closed with the prayer of the Lord. Secretary, The Pastor.”

Those signing that first constitution as charter members were: Johann Bandick, Friedrich Friedrichs, Heinrich Friedrichs, Fritz Gaede, Heinrich Gleue, Dietrich Helberg, Louis Kneehs, Hans Koeneke, Heinrich Koeneke, Thomas Koeneke, Herman Luetjemeier, Heinrich Meier, Herman Rippe, Wilhelm Scheele, and Friedrich Westerman.

Thus under the guidance and blessing of God came into being the sixth Lutheran congregation in the State of Kansas.



Wm. Poppe -- John Koeneke -- Henry Dihsmeyer -- Anna Allerheiligen -- Johanna Fischer -- Dorothea Licht -- Anna Niemann



Sophia Lemke -- Sophia Munstermann -- Herman Minge -- Eli Bueble -- Herman Bueble -- Christian Bueble -- Anna Hartwig -- Johanna Hartwig -- George Mold -- Fred Riggert -- Mary Schotte -- Katharina Kraus -- Sophia Meineke -- Henry Eipler -- Carl Mueffelmann -- Julius Koeneke -- Henry Koeneke -- Sophia Putzky -- William Helberg -- Christoph Koeneke
Mary Pralle -- Wilhelmine Scheibe -- Henry Grote -- Henry Roever -- Fred Imhoff



Louis Allerheiligen -- Mary Lemke -- William Schneitzer -- Fred Poppe -- Caroline Poppe -- Mary Mueller -- Wilhelmina Brockmeyer -- Anne Bormann -- Ida Mueller -- John Mueller -- Sophia Grote -- Anna Meyer -- Johanna Bloeker -- Gotlieb Tangemann -- Fred Lohse -- Henry Meyer -- Christina Thile



August Diesmeyer -- John Niemann -- Henry Licht -- John Minge -- Henry Jantzen -- Henry Riggert -- Adolph Schotte -- Louise Kraus -- Johanna Merklein -- Mary Merklein -- Fred Loemker -- Hermann Mueffelmann -- John Helberg -- Christoph Koeneke -- Henry Pralle -- Mary Scheibe -- Henriette Grote -- Minnie Roever -- Scharlotte Meineke -- Louiss Bormann
Johanna Imhoff -- Fred Rettig -- Christina Meyer -- Christian Riekenberg -- John Tuever -- Katharina Allerheiligen -- Anna Gleue -- Henry Loemker -- George Krebs -- Herman Friedrichs



Katharine Schelle -- Henry Allerheiligen -- Augusta Lemke -- Serie Mold -- Barbara Keehele -- William Keehele -- Dorothea Riggert -- Elisabeth Friedrichs -- William Eiper -- August Helberg -- Henry Pralle -- Henry Grote -- Mary Meineke -- Johanna Poppe -- Dorothea Mueller -- John Grote -- Louisa Meyer -- Ernst Rettig -- Mary Lohse -- Henry Allerheiligen -- Mary Gleue -- Henry Sohl -- Mary Schroeder -- Henry Allerheiligen -- Melosine Base -- John Brenneke -- Anna Boettcher -- Bernhard Segebade -- John Meyer -- Hilda Laverentz -- Emma Laverentz -- Henry Bartels -- Henry Schuette -- Ida Freund -- John Weil



George Dihsmeyer -- Augusta Minge -- Emma Winkelmann -- Henry Meyer -- Maria Heers -- Sophia Hornboestel -- Albert Elftmann -- Fred Schroeder -- Linna Schroeder -- Katharine Jantzen -- John Kraft -- Fred Vogel -- August Kraus -- William Merklein -- Juergen Loemker -- Sophia Grote -- Mary Bormann -- Elisa Grote -- Herman Meyer -- Christine Riekenberg
Louise Sohl -- Otto Krebs -- Peter Dicks -- Louise Koeneke -- Mary Mold -- Henry Crome -- John Cesinger -- Louise Beckmann -- Maria Holle -- Henry Grote -- Wilhelmine Drinkgern -- Juergen Koeneke -- Wilhelmina Grote -- Caroline Meyer -- Caroline Germer -- Dorothea Lohse -- Gustov Krueger


John Schelle -- Caroline Poppe -- Emil Lemke -- John Meinen -- Mina Boettcher -- Wilhelmine Schroeder -- Dorothea Minge -- Mary Riggert -- John Schotte -- Thomas Koeneke -- Caroline Pralle -- William Mueller -- Wilhelmina Meyer -- Mary Allerheiligen -- Dorothea Loemker --Mary Oldehoeft -- Fred Brenneke -- Fred Meyer -- Sophie Barthels -- Friedericka Dicke -- Louise Crome -- Hans Koeneke -- Caroline Oldenburg -- Angeline Pralle -- Henry Chors -- Maria Cohrs -- Emma Enderlein -- Wilhelmine Schroeder -- Henry Hornbostel -- Henry Kohimeier -- Herman Herrs -- Henry Mayer -- Fred Pralle -- Herman Duensing -- Anna Munstermann -- Wilhelm Frerking -- Otto Oldenhoeft



Hermann Allerheiligen -- Christoph Niemann -- Elisabeth Licht -- Louise Thrun -- Caroline Thrun -- Anna Meyer -- Bertha Hartmann -- Maria Most -- Ernst Schaaf -- Wilhelmina Schuette -- John Nienaber -- Katharina Timm -- John Steyman -- Ida Levien -- Florentine Mold -- William Luehring -- Karl Netz -- Maria Ebeling -- John Groz -- Henry Kettler -- Henriette Steinyrueber
William Stegmann -- John Stegmann -- Henry Laber -- Fred Bauer -- Emma Sockert -- Maria Droselmeier -- Fred Meyn -- Henry Kraus -- Christina Koeneke -- Fred Scheibe -- Ernst Meyer -- Henry Meyer -- August Bandick -- Sophie Loemker -- Emil Krebs -- Conrad Barthels
Ernst Klink -- John Dicke -- Anna Cesinger -- Herman Beckmann -- Fred Grote -- Henry Drinkgern -- Maria Grote -- Henry Mayer -- Henry Lohse -- Caroline Pralle -- Henry Cohrs -- Frank Bloom -- Wilhelm Luehring -- Katharina Timm -- Anna Pfeiffer -- Johanna Henke -- Friedrich Linkugel -- Johanna Gehr -- Ernst Schierkolk -- Henry Meier -- Emilie Meier


Gustave Schneitzer -- Karl Winkelmus -- Erna Straub -- Elisabeth Roever -- Henry Grote -- Anna Kohlmeier -- Christin Hansen -- Ida Hornbostel -- Peter Meyer -- Peter Heers -- Christian Fuszholz -- Albert Enderlein -- Nelly Winkelmus -- John Riggert -- Emma Merklein -- Ernst Loemker -- Fred Helberg -- Mary Pralle -- Sophia Roever -- Peter Lohse -- John Levien -- Henry Allerheiligen -- Louis Sohl -- Caroline Brenneke -- Fred Crome -- August Beckmann -- Emma Grote -- Henry Oldenburg -- Anna Pralle -- Christian Henke -- John Westermann
George Blumn -- Juergen Niemeier -- Katharine Niemann


Anna Madsin -- Wilhelm Meier -- Wilhelm May -- Mathilda Koeneke -- Anna Mueller -- John Meyer -- Henry Rickenberg -- Talnor Bandick -- Margaretha Loemker -- Wilhelmina Klink -- Dina Dicke -- Henrietta Cesinger -- Margaret Koeneke -- Maria Lohse -- Henry Pralle -- Anna Pralle -- Otto Duensing -- Henry Pfeiffer -- Henry Linkugel -- Fred Westermann -- Otto Luetjemeier -- Henry Leseberg -- Peter Geihsler -- Henry Stohs -- Otto Pralle -- John Scheibe -- Henry Pfeiffer -- Christine Gaede -- Maria Meyer -- Anna Riggert -- Anna Poppe --Anna Leseberg -- Henry Holle -- Mary Bartels


Wilhelmine Beckmann -- Ida Koch --Mathilda Jash -- Friederika Meyer -- Maria Schiekolk
Christian Henke -- Henry Meier -- Henry Drinkgern -- John Drinkgern -- Christoph Heilberg
Ludwig Batze -- Martha Meier -- Fred Crome -- Frank Linkugel -- August Minge -- Christian Bluhm -- Mathilda Koehler -- Fred Moehlenbink -- Fred Pralle -- Herman Gleue -- Dorothea Grote -- Herman Sohl -- Christine Jansen -- Fred Stroemer -- Alma Cohrs -- Henry Mueffelmann -- Otto Meier -- Henry Luetjemeier -- Fred Niemann -- Mary Wulfeustieg -- Catherina Geier -- Mary Geier -- Phillip Geier -- Elisabeth Geier -- Emma Geier -- Dully Grunn-- Agatha Gunn -- Anna Dinker -- Louise Leseberg -- Henry Stelling -- Sophie Licht -- Scharlotte Stohs -- Henry Loemker -- Wilhelmine Grote -- Sophia Molt -- Arthur Stroemer -- Theodor Grunn


Henry Rickenberg -- Wilhelmine Kraus -- Henry Krueger -- Elenora Engel -- Anna Bohl -- Anna Lemke -- Sophia Leseberg -- Sophie Wassermann -- Bertha Brel -- Ida Laengerrich -- Daniel Stohs -- John Cessinger -- Louise Lesebeg -- Dorathea Busse -- Katharine Allerheiligen -- Anna Geisler -- Dorathea Lohse -- Louise Dierking -- Katharina Bandick -- William Jansen -- Lydia Kohlmeier -- Chistoph Dieke -- Mary Scheibe -- Auguste Munk -- John Bluhm -- Henry Adam -- Henry Stettnisch -- Minna Mueller -- Henry Dusin -- Sophia Pralle -- Hermann Loemker -- Sophie Koeneke -- Karoline Lohse -- Anna Meyn -- Otto Bluhm -- Katharine Moehlenbrink -- Mary Stohs -- Christoph Munstermann -- Mary Oldehoeft



Emilie Poppe -- Mary Koch -- Sophia Koch -- William Harries -- Auguste Pralle -- Herman Dunker -- Katharina Meyer -- Alwina Bartels -- Karolina Minge -- Karoline Meyerr -- Karoline Bartels -- Ludwig Beckmann -- Fred Leseberg -- Herman Henke -- Fred Gleue -- Fred Riggert
Hermina Crome -- Sophie Lesebeg -- Dorathea Heilberg -- Sophie Schierkolk -- Ernst Bohl -- Sophia Miemeier -- Karorline Loemke -- William Seifert -- Mary Heitfeld -- Fred Brenneke -- William Basch -- August Moehrs -- Auguste Jasch -- Katharina Mold -- Bertha Mold -- Fred Meyer -- Alwine Pralle -- Henry Paepke -- Sophia Grote -- Louise Grote -- Dorathea Holle -- William Moelenbrink -- Jemina Linkugel -- Konrad Germeroth -- Henry Cohrs -- Wilhelmine Mold -- Konrad Wassermann -- Louise Klink -- Julius Stroemer -- Amalie Westermann -- John Focks -- Anna Licht -- Henry Ederlein -- Henry Bruns -- Anna Leseberg -- Mary Krueger -- Karoline Stettnisch -- Johanna Adam -- John Luetjemeier -- Harry Hartmann -- Mary Meyer



Thomas Bauer -- Bruno Wulfenstieg -- Hermann Dusin -- George Mueffelmann -- Wilhelmine Stohs -- Anna Schierkolk -- Anna Gleue -- John Bandick -- Henry Koeneke -- Klara Moehlenbrink -- Katharine Zeibrig -- Henry Loemker -- Henry Lesebeg -- Dorathea Wiese -- Louise Moehlenbrink -- Sophia Meier -- Wilehlmine Kruse -- Henry Koeneke -- John Dunkerr -- Henry Harries -- Sophia Meyn -- Katharine Germeroth -- Gottlieb Bohl -- Fred Stohs -- Ernst Heitfeld -- Mary Cessinger -- Helena Truhlicka -- Henry Dreier -- Karl Stohs -- Christian Luettjemeier -- Karl Curs -- Ernest Curs -- Bertha Curs -- Ferdinand Habenicht -- Hulda Focks -- Wilhelmine Scheibe -- Dorothea Linkugel -- Sophia Geisle -- Dorothea Muellerr -- Ernst Westermann -- Wilhelmine Pralle -- Fred Lutschel -- Adolph Hellberg -- Otto Pralle



Thomas Koeneke -- Henry Koeneke -- Herman Pralle -- Emilie Grote -- Mina Fisher



Louise Westermann -- Louise Scheele -- Mathilda Burgdorf



Wm. Moehlenbrink -- John Rippe -- August Heuer -- John Koeneke -- Ernst Koeneke -- Louis Meinecke



Sophie Lutjemeier -- Maria Schotte -- Carolina Meinecke -- Henry Scheele -- Ferdinand Stohs



Adolph Heuer -- August Pralle -- Fred Hormann -- Fred Schramm -- Sophia Westermann -- Maria Heitfeld -- Babara Schenk -- Wilhelmina Germer -- Johanna Eggers -- Doothea Schmidt



Fred Lauterbach -- Anna Rippe -- Johanna Dammann



Heinrich Meyer -- Sophia Schotte -- Friedrich Scheele -- Ernst Hormann -- Heinrich Poppe -- William Niemann -- Johanna Busse -- Auguste Senger -- Sophie Homann



Herman Heuer -- Wilhelm Heitfeld -- Wilhelm Diesmeier -- Julia Brockmeier -- Christina Schuette -- Maria Koeneke -- Wilhelmina Stohs -- Anna Leseberg -- Louise Meinecke -- Gertrrude Germeroth -- Louise Schroeder -- Maria Gaede -- Alvina Scheele -- Maria Koellmann



Heinrich Roever -- Friedrich Bartels -- Louise Busse -- Elizabeth Merklein



John Frauhiger -- Heinrich Minge -- Heinrich Schierkolk -- Henry Pralle -- Wilhelm Poppe -- Maria Meier -- Louise Friedrichs -- Louise Heitfeld -- Leonora Schotte -- Leonora Gaede -- Johanna Wolfenstich



Wilhelm Scheele -- Henry Allerheiligen -- Paul Stettnisch -- William Henke -- Frriedrich Moehrs -- Margarete Rippe -- Sophie Friedrichs -- Chistina Koeneke -- Emma Meier -- Alvina Duensing -- Emma Krug -- Louisa Koeneke -- Maria Stroemer



John Scheibe & Catharina Brenneke -- Henry Bormann & Dorethe Nebel
Friedrich Riekenberg & Maria Pralle -- William Mueller & Katherina Krueger
Johann Bandick & Wilhelmine Senger -- Dietick Levine & Johanna Wulff
Friedich Meier & Maria Lohse



Heinrich Dierking & Katherina Stohs -- Reinhardt Serderbirde & Rebecca Wolf
William Allerhieligen & Christina Holst -- Christoph Sohl & Maria Westermann
Henry Gleue & Louisa Leseberg -- Henry Muffelman & Maria Riekenberg



Heinrich Brenneke & Maria Schenk -- Johann Meyn & Maria Germer
Getthardt Jacobs & Friedarick Ball -- Gottlieb Messal & Emilie Stettnisch
Friedrich Kraft & Barbara Preusz



Peter Mustermann & Johanna Schram -- Loui Dicke & Maria Ritter
Johann Beckmann & Caroline Lemberg -- Henry Drinkgern & Maria Daniel
Henry Koeneke & Christina Brockmeier -- Hans Mold & Mary Rogge
Friedrich Grothe & Margarathe Schenk -- Heinrich Grote & Wilhelmina Dusin
Thomas Koeneke & Mathilda Burgdorf -- Henry Lohse & Katherina Koellman

Coming soon: More Baptisms, Confirmations, Weddings, Burials, and more History

Contributed by Paul Scherer

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