By-laws of The Phillips County Genealogical Society



Special meetings (that is meetings called in addition to the regular meetings)may be called by written notice by the Executive Council. The entire membership shall be notified at least 10 days in advance of the "special meeting."


The name of the publication for this Society shall be established if and when this Society initiates its publication.


The publication shall be financed by the membership. The Society must have the funds available before the debt of publication is contracted. The format and all details of the publication will be determined by the Executive Council together with the Editor and Publication Chairman.


A majority of the Executive Council shall constitute a quorum. Each member shall be entitled to one vote; 13 members shall constitute a quorum for general membership meetings.


Those who joined this organization prior to December 31, 1974 will be considered charter members.


These By-Laws may be amended at a regular meeting by a majority affirmative vote of those present plus the mailed ballot received of those members not able to attend.


* Any member who shall not have their annual dues paid by March 31st of each year shall be dropped from the membership roll.


A current membership card shall be issued by the Treasurer upon receipt of dues.


Duties of Officers:
(a) The President shall preside at all meetings of the Society and the Executive Council, and be an ex-office Member of all the committees except the Nominating Committee.

(b) The Vice President in the abscence of the President, shall perform the duties of the President. Should a vacancy in the office of President occur, the Vice President shall fill the unexpired term.

(c) The Recording Secretary shall keep an accurate record of the regular meetings and the Executive Council meetings, and shall maintain a current membership list. The Recording Secretary shall be responsible for publicity concerning the meetings.

(d) The Treasurer shall be responsible for the safekeeping of the Society's funds, keep adequate records, pay authorized bills, render a monthly report, with copies of the report presented to the President and Secretary.


The President shall appoint the Chairman and members of all Special Committees, i.e.:

(a) Correspondence and Research Committee shall be responsible for research and reply relating to queries either by mail or verbal.

(b) Newsletter Committee- Members shall be responsible for articles to be published. The Chairman shall be responsible for compiling and editing material submitted. The Newsletter will be published quarterly. (Aug.-Nov.-Feb.-May).

(c) Library Committee- shall be responsible for selecting books, microfilm, magazines and pertinent publications to be presented for consideration by the Society for purchase, and shall work in coordination with the head librarian of the Phillipsburg City Library.

* (d) Obituary Committee shall clip from newspapers, file and index, all obituaries of Phillips County--in particular obituaries dated after the "cut off" of the Society's "Cemetery Book".

* (e) Auditing Committee, which shall be appointed at the November meeting, shall audit the society's treasurers' books once a year and present their report at the January meeting.

* (f) Nominating Committee- which shall be appointed at the October meeting, shall prepare and present at the November meeting a slate of officers for the ensuing year for the consideration of the membership for voting upon.

(g) Orientation- shall acquaint new members with the Society, its members, its purpose, and its resources and aid in beginning research.

(h) Weddings and Anniversaries shall clip from newspapers, file and index engagements, weddings and anniversaries.


ORDER OF BUSINESS at general meetings:
1. Call to order
2. Roll Call
3. Reading of minutes of previous Regular Meeting and Executive Council Meeting
4. Treasurer's report
5. Present bills for payment
6. Report of Committees
7. Old and unfinished business
8. New Business
*9. Election of Officers (for November Meeting)
10. Program (with general consent, the Program may be presented prior to the business meeting.)

* Revised 21 July 1997

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