Dated 18 August 1980


The official name of this Society shall be "The Phillips County Genealogical Society."


The Phillips County Genealogical Society shall be a non-profit organization, which exists only to further scientific study and research in genealogical and historical matters. No part of its earnings shall every inure to the benefit of any members, but this Society shall function as a non-profit organization in all respects so as to be and remain exempt from Federal Income Tax according to Section 501 (c) (3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code of 19554 (or the Corresponding provisions of any future United States Internal Revenue Law.)


The objectives of this Society shall be:

  • 1. To provide an organization to serve as a vehicle for those people who have a genuine interest in genealogy.

  • 2. To aid individuals in their efforts to establish family genealogies.

  • 3. To establish a genealogical library for the use of members and the general public.

  • 4. To aid individuals to develope the accuracy and accepted principles for genealogical research.

  • 5. To aid in historical research and the collection and preservation of historical documents.

  • 6. To publish an official organ of this Society when such work becomes practical.


    The membership of this organization shall be composed of those persons who are interested in genealogical, biographical, and historical activities and research, and who maintain their membership according to the By-Laws of this Society.


    ** The dues of this Society shall be Seven Dollars and fifty cents ($7.50) per year. The fiscal year shall be from January 1 to December 31. Family Membership shall be Seven Dollars and Fifty Cents ($7.50) ( 2 or more related persons in the same house hold.) If News letter is to be mailed the dues shall be Fifteen Dollars ($15.00).

    All monies received by the Society shall be deposited in the First National Bank, Phillipsburg, Kansas and accurate records of collections and expenditures kept.

    ***The treasurer's books shall be audited each December by a committee appointed by the President.


    *The elected officers of this society shall be a President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. No person shall serve more than two consecutive terms in the same office. A term being one membership year.

    The duties of each officer are those customarily performed by such officers, plus additional duties that could be required by specific By-Laws.

    *Election of officers shall be held at a regular meeting of the Society and not later than November of each year.

    The four elective officers shall constitute the Executive Council of the Society, together with the Editor, Librarian and two members at large who are in good member standing.


    If and when this society shall be dissolved, all books and other property shall become the property of the Phillipsburg City Library.

    All funds remaining to the Society after satisfaction of its just debts shall be donated to the Genealogical Department of the Phillipsburg City Library.


    The Phillips County Genealogical Society shall meet the third (3rd) Monday of every Month, except December, at 7:30 P.M.


    This constitution may be amended at a regular meeting of the membership by a majority vote of those present, which will include those members present, plus a mailed ballot received of members not able to attend.

    * REVISED 3/1992
    ** REVISED 4/1996
    *** REVISED 7/21/1997

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