Welcome To Reno County, Kansas

Mrs. Mary M. Brainard Obituary

Mrs. Mary M. Brainard
Mrs. Mary M. Brainard, 91, widow of Jesse Brainard, one of the early settlers of Reno county, died this morning at 3:55 at his home 306 East, Sixth st.
Mrs. Brainard was born in MoLean County, ILL., on April 26 1843 and was married to Jesse Brainard on Sept. 26 1866.  They moved to Valley township where they resided until the summer of 1911, when they moved to the home where Mrs. Brainard died.
During the many years whole living east of the city, Mrs. Brainard  was an active member of the Presbyterian church, teaching classes and part of the time acting as Sunday school superintendent.  During the past few years she has been confined to her bed most of the time.
She is survived by her only daughter, Mrs. Jennie E. Lowe of 321 East seventh st, seven grandchildren and six great grandchildren.
The Hutchinson Kansas News
Hutchinson, Reno County, Kansas
Wednesday, November 21, 1934
page - 8 *** column - 5

Submitted by
Rose Stout on April 27, 2007.

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