Welcome To Reno County, Kansas

Mrs. Phoebe J. Carson Obituary

Pioneer Woman Dies
Mrs. Phoebe J. Carson for Nearly 50  Years a Resident of County.
Mrs. Phoebe J. Carson, wife of Wm. F. Carson, one of the old settlers in Reno county died at 5 oclock this morning at the rural home of her daughter, Mrs. G. P. Coberly.  She had been in poor health for some time and was 83 years, four months and 16 days of age at the time of her death.
Mrs. Carson, whose maiden name was Phoebe J. Baird was born in Brown county, Ohio, August 11, 1840.  When she was 16 years of age her parents moved to Illinois where she was married to Wm. F. Carson, December 25, 1867.  They had been married 56 years on Christmas Day.  They moved to Kansas in 1878 and located in Valley township where they have resided ever since.
She is survived by her husband and one daughter, Mrs. G. P. Coberly of Clay township.  She leaves five grandchildren, Clyde Coberly, Hutchinson, Mrs. Jay Deal, Newton, Lucille, Harry and Marion Coberly.
Short funeral services will be held at 2 oclock Friday afternoon at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Coberly, followed by the regular services at the Clay Valley Methodist church at 230.  Rev. Grosdidler of Alden and Rev. Reed of Burrton will have charge of the services.  Burial will be at the Fairlawn cemetery.
The Hutchinson News
Hutchinson, Reno County, Kansas
Thursday, December 27, 1923
page  5 *** column  5

Submitted by
Rose Stout on October 13, 2005.

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