Welcome To Reno County, Kansas

Vilas B. Slater Obituary

Despondent over Ill-health, He Takes His Life

The body of Vilas B. Slater, still warm, was found hanging in the barn at the farm on which he lived 5 miles northwest of Turon, early Friday afternoon.

Suicide was the cause of death; and despondency because of ill-health probably caused Mr. Slater to take his life.  He had been a farmer living near Turon for many years.

He was 61 years of age.  He leaves a wife and three sons, two of whom are married.  One son, Orville D. Slater living in Hutchinson  He is a messenger for the Wells Fargo express company.

Mr. Slater’s home was directly across the road from the Pleasant Ridge school.  As soon as his body was discovered, Dr. Pope, of Turon, was called.

Mr. Slater is a brother-in-law of Mrs. G. J. Lamont, of Hutchinson.  He has a sister living at Newton and one in Oklahoma.

It is believed that Mr. Slater hung himself about noon, as his body was found about ten minutes after that time.  He had been in poor health for some time, and was moody and melancholy because of the fact.

The funeral services were held at the country home last Saturday at 2 o’clock.  Rev. Hurst was the officiating minister.  He was buried in the Turon cemetery.

Turon Weekly Press
Turon, Reno County, Kansas
Thursday, February 24, 1916
page – front      column – 1


Card of Thanks

We wish to thank our many friends and neighbors for the many deeds of kindness extended to us in our sad bereavement of our husband and father.

Mrs. V. D. Slater and family

Submitted by
Rose Stout on February 14, 2005.

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