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Wm. Donnelly

No. 1209. WM. DONNELLY.

White man. Sentenced June 30, 1904, from Kearny county, for a term of I to 7 years, for larceny from dwelling. Paroled Aug. 27, 1906. Violated parole Sept. 1, 1906.

Description: Age, 42; height, 5 ft. 4 1/4 in.; weight, 114; complexion, dark; hair, dark brown, gray; eyes, steel gray.

Bertillon: 63.5, 69.0, 81.5, 17.7, 14.8, 13.4, 5.5, 24.7, 11.8, 9.1, 45.1.

Finger-print classification: 1  R  IO  11
                          1  U  OO 

Marks and scars: I. Oblique cut scar between first and second joints middle finger, rear. Blue tattoo dot 2 in. above wrist, rear. Tattoo in blue of heart, 3/4 by 3/4, five in. above wrist, outer. Dim tattoo in blue of letters W. D. 3 in. above wrist, front. Brown hairy mark 1/2 by 3/8, four in. above wrist, rear. III. Small scar at outer edge left eyebrow. Cut scar, V-shaped, 1 1/4 in. above right eyebrow 1 1/2 in. to right of median line. Horizontal scar below left eye.

Reward, $25.