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John Finch

No. 3698. JOHN FINCH.

White man. Sentenced April 10, 1910, from Ford county, to a term of 2 to 10 years for burglary third degree and larceny. Paroled Feb. 2, 1912. Violated parole April 30, 1912.

Description: Age, 40; height, 5 ft. 6 1/4 in.; weight, 146; hair, brown; complexion, medium dark; build, medium; eyes, violet blue; nativity, Illinois. Occupation, common laborer.

Bertillon: 68.5, 75.0, 91.5, 19.1, 15.2, 14.4, 6.7, 25.2, 11.4, 8.4, 46.0.

Finger-print classification:  5  T
                               17 U 

Marks and scars: I. Small vertical scar at wrist joint, front. II. Large scar on inner side of thumb; thumb deformed at first joint. III. Deep vertical crease between eyes; has habit of wrinkling eyes.

Relative: Lottie Taylor, Grapeville, Ark., aunt.

Reward, $25.