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Bruce Brewer

(Alias Joe Eagleson.)

Colored man. Sentenced Dec. 10, 1909, from Wyandotte county, to a term of I to 5 years, for burglary, third degree. Paroled Sept. 22, 1911. Violated parole Feb. 20, 1912.

Description: Age, 32; height, 5 ft. 5 1/4 in.; weight, 164; hair, black; complexion, black; build, stout; eyes, maroon; nativity, North Carolina. Occupation, carpenter.

Bertillon: 63.3, 80.0, 87.0, 20.4, 16.0, 15.2, 5.9, 27.2, 12.2, 9.2, 47.2.

Finger-print classification:  9  U  00
                               2  U  II 

Marks and scars: 1. Large vaccine scar, upper arm, outer. II. White burn scar at base of little finger. III. Horizontal cut scar 1 in. long at inner margin of left eyebrow. V. Small scar just above waist line 4 1/2 in. to right of spinal column. VI. Large white scar at outer part of left calf. White scar behind left knee.

Criminal record: Five years in Plainfield, Ind., Reform School; 60 days at Bridewell, Chicago.

Relatives: Edw. Brewer and Emma Brewer, parents, 711 Ogden St., Indianapolis, Ind.

Reward, $25.