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J. E. Hughes

No. 3931. J. E. HUGHES.

White man. Sentenced February 20, 1910, from Sedgwick county, for forgery, four counts; term 2 to 20 years. Escaped Sept. 12, 1912. Nativity, Pennsylvania; age, 24; weight, 160; height, 5 ft. 9 1/2 in.; build, stout, rugged; complexion, medium dark; hair, brown; eyes, blue. Occupation, plumber.

Bertillon: 76.8, 86.0, 94.5, 20.1, 15.7, 14.4, 6.2, 26.7, 12.4, 9.3, 8.5.

Finger-print classification: 1  U  IO
                                 1  U  OO  6 
Marks and scars: Tattoo in blue and red of ten-pointed star just above wrist on left arm front; tattoo in blue and red of clasped hands, heart and flag just below elbow, front left arm. Pit scar in center of forehead at hair line. Cut scar along left side back of head.

Served 14 months in U. S. military prison.

Relatives: Parents, John and Nora Hughes; wife, Geneva Hughes; Wichita, Kan.

Reward, $100.