Shawnee County, KS 1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll Contributed by Charles Ray Frost, October, 1997 --------------------------------------------------------------------- KSGENWEB INTERNET GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY COPYRIGHT NOTICE: In keeping with the KSGenWeb policy of providing free information on the Internet, this data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages cannot be reproduced in any format for profit or other gain. Copying of the files within by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged. Any other use, including publication, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission by electronic, mechanical, or other means requires the written approval of the file's author. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Cert# Name of Pensioner P.O. Address Cause for which pensioned Monthly Rate Date of original allowance ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 79,808 Cosine, Joseph Auburn back & kidney disease $8.00 199,887 Cubberly, William G. do rt. side of diaphragm 4.00 Dec., 1881 163,329 Price, John L. do chronic diarrhea 7.50 117,641 Roberts, Louisa M. do widow 8.00 Aug., 1868 187,809 Davis,James do rheumatism, dis. of abd. vis., & g.s.w. left leg 8.00 179,173 Simerwell, Susan C. do widow 8.00 Nov., 1877 57,963 Smith, William R. do wound left leg 6.00 70,600 Stahl, Francis M. do g.s.w. left arm &c 12.00 115,462 Shadrach, Mortimore R. Dover injury to abdomen 8.00 127,904 Tillman, John J. do dis. lungs and heart disease 8.00 Apr., 1874 98,169 Woodward, George W. do injury to abdomen 8.00 199,192 Slusser, John B. do ch. diarr. & dis. of abd. vis. 10.00 Dec., 1881 19,516 Beach, Jane do widow 17.00 181,787 Halliday, William S. do injury to abdomen 12.00 Jan., 1881 195,081 Brown, Dianna B. Grand Haven widow 8.00 Apr., 1882 144,132 Davis, Miles W. do g.s.w.l. leg 2.00 Mar., 1877 19,046 Gifford, Elisha do wd. l. foot 10.00 153,004 Slater, Thomas O. Menoken g.s.w. left thigh 4.00 May, 1878 126,437 Carleton, Abner G. North Topeka g.s.w. right thigh 4.00 171,744 Moore, Alpheus S. do shell-wound of breast 30.00 July, 1880 121,237 Faires, John D. do par. agit. from ch. diarr. 24.00 Jan., 1875 37,966 Sheldon, Lemuel do g.s.wd. right Knee 12.00 67,703 Rogers, Elizabeth do widow 8.00 Feb., 1867 140,883 Jordan, Benjamin do g.s.w. of right hip 4.00 Aug., 1876 86,863 Butler, Thomas do wd. of left shoulder 14.00 139,116 Van Dusen, Jacob do rheumatism 2.00 93,009 Baldwin, Edward A. do wd. in right foot 3.00 Sept., 1868 154,530 Mulford, Ami F. do inj of right side 10.00 July, 1878 Guy, Augustus L. do g.s.w. right forearm 2.00 Mar., 1878 Wilkinson, Solomon do disease of eyes 4.00 Jan., 1882 Wilbur, William H. do sciatic rheumatism 4.00 May, 1882 89,407 Curry, Jay L. do dis. of abdominal viscera 8.00 91,932 Cherry, Frank do wd. near spine 8.00 20,347 Addis, Edward S. do g.s.w. left leg 6.00 186,621 Bollotte, Etienne do g.s.w. right thigh 2.00 Apr., 1881 164,857 Thompson, William E. do injury to abdomen 8.00 Feb., 1880 136,486 Rigdon, Joseph W. do g.s.w. right thigh 2.00 Nov., 1875 95,786 Roof, John M. do dis of kidneys from g.s.w. in hip & back 12.00 34,565 Ready, John W. do injury of spine 4.00 147,398 Clark, Robert M. do g.s.w. right thigh 4.00 July, 1877 116,651 Curtis, Robert M. do g.s.w. througt body 11.25 192,299 Craig, Samuel F. do nervous prostration 2.00 July, 1881 75,723 Wetherholt, William J. do g.s.w.rt. foot 4.00 Dec., 1866 3,012 Marple, Enoch do surv. 1812 8.00 Aug., 1871 58,331 Stokes, George C. do inj.of left knee joint 4.00 Feb., 1866 90,129 Stroger, Almon B. do chron. diarr. 6.00 111,224 McNown, Sarah do widow 8.00 Nov., 1868 28,878 Hall, Enos K. do g.s.wd. in groin 8.00 May, 1864 143,740 Whitecotton, Wm.H. do g.s.wd. in left arm 4.00 Feb., 1877 85,936 Peyton, John Q.A. do dis. of heart 8.00 156,210 Phillips, Levi M. do par. paralysis lft. side & chron rheumatism 4.00 Oct., 1878 40,036 Patton, George do g.s.wd. left arm 10.00 94,840 Newby, John W. do dis.of heart 113,100 Rowe, Aaron do spine 4.00 Aug., 1881 193,350 Ringer, Franklin E. do g.s.wd. rightleg 2.00 JULY, 1881 167,113 Mower, Henry W. do chron. rheumatism 16.00 56,647 Dauber, Frederick do wd. in right leg 4.00 Jan., 1866 13,979 Fozier, Mary C. do widow 8.00 Feb., 1864 35,275 Evans, James B. do partial loss of sight 6.00 44,172 See, Nancy do widow 8.00 138,808 Lyon, Wilber L. do g.s.w. left thigh 6.00 Apr., 1876 51,665 Woolpert, Manoah do g.s.w.l. shoulder (scapula) 18.00 131,968 Christian, Elizabeth widow 8.00 July, 1869 156,645 Hayes, Thomas do dis. of abdomenal viscera 18.00 41,234 Severance, George W. do wd.l. hip 14.00 145,075 George, Isaac do wd.r. forearm, rt. side head 6.00 99,867 Cole, Watson R. do wd.r.shr. 6.00 201,316 Stewart, Joseph E. Pauline g.s.w. left arm 2.00 Jan., 1882 174,765 Johnson,Alfred D. Redpath injury to abdomen 2.00 Oct., 1880 18,507 Blake, Christopher C. Richland wd. of head 15.00 152,045 Montgomery, Asbe do g.s.w. left shoulder 4.00 May, 1878 157,713 Beam, Leroy J. do injury to abdomen 15.00 140,106 Folwell, Ephraim do arthritis both knees & atrophy right leg. 6.00 Aug.,1876 86,692 Yowell, George W. do g.s.w. left shoulder 8.00 176,910 Owens, William do chron. diarrhea 4.00 Oct., 1880 200,087 Miller, John do dis. of lung 4.00 Dec., 1881 193,461 Marney, Jonathan Rossville g.s.w. right side 4.00 July 1881 105,224 Bressett, James E. do g.s.w. left knee Aug., 1870 63,681 Johnson, William F. do g.s.w. right thigh 12.00 211,424 Kaufman, Joseph do dis. of rt. hip & leg & total deafness right ear 8.00 June, 1882 1,845 Viannah, Mary Silver Lake widow 8.00 146,796 Schermerhorn, Albert do g.s.w. of back 8.00 June, 1877 141,308 Walker, Ignatius G. do g.s.w.lft. side & chest 4.00 Sept., 1876 73,678 Hollister, Amos D. do wd. right forearm 8.00 109,881 Hornbeck, John do g.s.w. right shoulder 12.00 39,354 Edwards, Mary do dep. mother 8.00 Jan., 1865 147,543 Ellis, John W. do g.s.w.rt. leg 2.00 Aug., 1877 207,541 Dodd, Thomas do rheu. & res. dis. of heart 6.00 Apr., 1882 194,550 Johnston, George W.L. do dis. of lungs 6.00 Aug., 1881 214,383 Ward, Oliver C> Tecumseh g.s.w.rt.knee 2.00 June, 1882 52,113 Lucas, Ashley B. do g.s.w.l. groin 6.00 168,416 Naylor, Mary E. do widow 8.00 Nov., 1874 113,151 Allison, Charles P. Topeka g.s.w. left leg 4.00 119,110 Hill, Jerome do g.s.w. left shoulder 4.00 Sept., 1882 209,323 Phillips, Jesse S. do ch.diarr., dis.left leg, varicose veins, & ulcer. 8.00 May, 1882 16,142 Kline, Henry H. do wd.l.breast 8.00 83,271 Corson, Nicholson A. do wd.r. hip 8.00 Mar., 1869 1,125 Allen, Lorinda J. do widow(Navy) 8.00 Jan., 1868 147,681 Frizzle, William do minor of 10.00 22,892 Murphy, Jane do dep. mother 8.00 May,1864 110,925 McKee, John B. do dis. of liver& spleen 6.00 103,721 Hawkins, Martin J. do scurvy and debility 8.00 96,485 Bernad, Henry do wd. of left leg 6.00 134,914 O'Bleness, Andrew do fracture of right leg 2.00 34,171 Tomlinson, Charles H. do wd. left elbow joint 8.00 73,987 Wood, Frank do loss of left arm &c 24.00 Nov., 1866 141,585 Alexander, James D. do dis. left leg 8.00 Sept., 1876 218,058 Fender, George W. do chronic rheumatism 4.00 Sept., 1882 210,280 Lathrope, John, sr do rheumatism 11.25 June, 1882 3,879 Hutchinson, Andrew J. do loss of right arm 24.00 76,423 Scales, Granville do loss of right arm ab. elbow 24.00 25,253 Patterson, Eliza A. do widow 8.00 June, 1864 185,219 Wyckoff, Hannah do do 8.00 30,902 Wolf, Xavier do wd. of right hip 18.00 102,424 Watts, Albert do amp. of left leg 18.00 102,692 Newhouse, Hettie B. do 8.00 16,909 Wyatt, Daniel F. do wd. in left forearm 6.00 Sept., 1863 79,082 Cramer, John do wd. in foot 4.00 59,770 Torrington, John E. do wd. in right arm 17.00 Mar., 1866 209,125 Hughey, John B. do typh. fev., resulting in dis. of kidneys & bladder. 4.00 May, 1882 120,257 Hartman, Frederick do wd. in left forearm 6.00 Stone, Charles do chronic diarrhea 4.00 Jan., 1881 210,749 Klegin, Charles A. do g.s.w. of left thigh 4.00 June, 1882 210,878 Krug, John V. do chronic diarrhea 6.00 June, 1882 Keenan, James do injury to left leg 6.00 38,914 Keine, Francis A. do wd. ofleft arm 12.00 80,820 Simmons, Helen do widow 8.00 Apr., 1868 96,040 Piety, Austin H. do chron. diarr. & inj. to back 19.00 204,544 Platt, George W. do g.s.w. of left leg 6.00 Mar., 1882 134,665 Warren, Daniel do g.s.w. of left hadn 3.00 July,1875 153,062 Lawson,Gideon do g.s.w. of left thigh 4.00 may, 1878 35,223 Beaghen, John do g.s.w. of left leg 3.00 Dec., 1864 75,869 Angus, Luther W. do wd. of right ankle 8.00 Dec., 1866 76,153 Bush, Horace E. do wd. of left eye &c 20.00 Jan., 1867 112,813 Aye, Charles do g.s.w. of right leg 6.00 49,793 Alexander, Erastus do discoloration of rt. ankle 15.00 Sept., 1865 150,456 Allen, Henry do g.s.w. left foot 4.00 182,320 Artlip, Homer do injury to abdomen 12.00 Feb., 1881 35,033 Archer, Thomas do g.s.w. right arm 18.00 207,049 Alexander, William D. do chron. diarr., res. dis. abd. vis. 10.00 Apr.,1882 188,694 Brusman, Chas. D. do g.s.w. left hip 4.00 May, 1882 97,868 Burge, George W. do g.s.w. of head 5.00 May, 1869 209,622 Burrows, Eber do inj. to left leg, ulcers, & inj. to rt. side 8.00 May,1882 36,484 Booth, James do dis. of heart 18.00 144,703 Beeler, John do loss left index finger 3.00 Apr., 1877 62,547 Branner, John S. do wd. left forearm 8.00 42,432 Burriss, Josiah F. do g.s.w. left hand 18.00 210,362 Simonton, Seth S. do varix. res. ulceration rt. leg 6.00 June, 1882 140,297 Stark,Newell D. do g.s.w. right foot 2.00 Aug., 1876 142,605 Tincher, George do g.s.w. index finger left hand 2.00 Nov., 1876 93,656 Smith, William H. do g.s.w. right hand 4.00 179,573 Taylor,Jeremiah do fracture of left leg 4.00 180,257 Thomas, John F. do g.s.w. back & rt. shoulder 4.00 Dec., 1880 174.348 Towner, William E. do disease of lungs 24.00 54,745 Thompson, William P. do g.s.w. left shoulder 12.00 215,587 Vaughn, Edgar F. do chron. diarr. 4.00 July, 1882 80,686 Vail, Stephen do g.s.w. right hip 8.00 54,003 Watson, Andrew do g.s.w. of thorax 12.00 137,291 Whitson, Charles B. do g.s.w. left thigh 10.00 138,285 Brannon, Henry do injury to abdomen 8.00 143,587 Watson, George W. do g.s.w.r. heel 2.00 Jan., 1877 186,202 Flanders, George E. do chron. diarrhea 4.00 Apr., 1881 182,844 Finley, Harris do g.s.w.r. arm 6.00 Mar., 1881 147,538 Sterrett, John A. do g.s.w. right knee 6.00 Aug., 1877 153,090 Sheldon, Joseph L. do dis. of right hip & thigh 8.00 126,697 Sparks, James S. do injury to abdomen 8.00 Feb., 1874 170,642 Smith, Jesse G. do pistol-shot wd. left foot 4.00 June, 1880 115,395 Schavers, John do g.s.w. face & left thigh 10.00 alias Chafers 24,009 Richards, James do injury to abdomen, & inj. of hips and spine 10.00 106,049 Reynolds, Norman H do chron.pericarditis 12.00 77,798 Reily, Patrick do chron.rheumatism 14.00 201,902 Riley, Roswell J. do g.s.w. rt. forearm 2.00 Jan.,1882 138,670 Reed, William R. do rheumatism 10.00 176,630 Spillner, Charles do g.s.w. left knee 1.00 Oct., 1880 166,706 Smith, Daniel B. do g.s.w. left shoulder 4.00 24,636 Flower, Rebecca do widow 8.00 195,201 Ashbaugh, Sophia G. do do 8.00 Apr., 1882 130,476 Butler, Tarrina do dep. mother 8.00 June, 1869 209,162 Smith, Henry C. do dis. rt. leg & var. veins 2.00 May, 1882 99,094 Coldron, Lemuel T. do g.s.w. both legs & dis. eyes 24.00 177,475 Crawford, Philip S. do dis. of abdominal viscera & dis of eyes 8.00 Oct., 1880 71,521 Wood, John T. do g.s.w. right arm 15.00 188,445 Wilson, John W. do injury to abdomen 8.00 May, 1881 166,613 Zingsheim, Clemens do g.s.w. left hip & dis. lungs 6.00 Apr., 1880 113,008 Waters, Joseph G. do g.s.w. left foot & rt. forearm 16.75 128,540 Sills, Edwin do g.s.w. right hand 3.00 June, 1874 60,856 Schulz, August do injury to abdomen, chron. diarr. & rheumatism 18.00 71,601 McCroskey, Tempsa do widow 8.00 58,590 Moore, Susan do do 8.00 180,040 Lesner, Abigail do widow & minor 10.00 Feb., 1878 41,658 Kane, Elizabeth I. do widow 8.00 Feb., 1865 197,403 Johnson, Martha J. do do 30.00 Oct., 1882 17,624 Treat, Mary E. do widow 1812 18.00 Feb., 1879 158,501 Burnside, Robert do g.s.w. hand with loss 3d fin 6.00 44,998 Gibbs, William do g.s.w. left leg & left hip 8.00 205,441 Gibson, William B. do chron. diar. & dis. abd. vis 17.00 Mar., 1882 197,667 Griswold, Darius E. do disease of heart 8.00 Nov., 1881 222,166 Goodman, David R. do g.s.w. right thigh 4.00 Dec., 1882 219,700 Gennet, James R. do disease of lungs 8.00 Oct., 1882 204,496 Gagin, John do inj. to right wrist & dis. of abdominal viscera 8.00 Mar., 1882 74,582 Greer, John P. do wd. of left knee 4.00 118,103 Griffith, John W. do g.s.w. of head 8.00 128,932 Goheen, Joseph R. do g.s.w. right thigh 4.00 27,379 Frampton, William H. g.s.w. left knee 12.00 192,993 Gregg, Andrew do g.s.w. rt. leg, resulting in varicose veins 6.00 July,1881 130,271 Hendricks, John do g.s.w. right foot 12.00 97,889 Houseborn, John do inj. to right arm 18.00 alias Osborne 207,688 Callahan, Andrew M. do inj. to rt. leg, chron. diarr., dis. of abdominal viscera 11.25 Apr., 1882 194,083 Hopkins, John W. do sunstroke & par. paralysis 12.00 Aug., 1881 207,879 Hyde, Charles L. do dis. of lungs 18.00 53,925 Coil, Bernard do g.s.w. left elbow joint 8.00 27,890 Cole, Benjamin F. do g.s.w. right foot 8.00 181,485 Crook, John do inj. to left hip 14.00 183,805 Carter, John F. do inj. to right leg & ankle 8.00 Mar., 1881 172,026 Holloway, David do injurty to abdomen 2.00 Aug., 1880 213,032 Hahule, George do g.s.w. right shoulder 4.00 June, 1882 213,626 Hogeloom, George W. do chronic diarrhea 12.50 June, 1882 199,455 Holt, James do g.s.w. rt. thigh & l. arm 10.00 79,642 Colton, Enoch do wd. right leg 4.00 138,629 Carey, George W. do chron. dysentery 12.75 177,001 Codington, Thomas Y. do loss part index finger l. hand 2.00 Oct., 1880 157,710 Carter, William H. do g.s.w. rt. shoulder 2.00 169,520 Highland, Delilah do widow 8.00 June, 1875 22,282 Hamilton, Elizabeth A. do do 8.00 May, 1864 45,939 Hopkins, Sidney do dep. mother 15.00 Apr., 1864 87,725 Hayden, Kate do widow 8.00 1866 170,508 Greer, Julia E. do widow & minor child 21.00 Aug., 1875 113,437 Wilson, William H. do g.s.w. left leg 6.00 158,566 Whitehead, Wesley T. do g.s.w. left elbow 6.00 208,337 Wood, Thomas B. do g.s.w. right shoulder 2.00 May, 1882 197,715 Myers, Samuel C. do 2 g.s.wds. left thigh 4.00 Nov., 1881 119,611 Lord, James G. do injury to abdomen 4.00 60,522 Penny, James L. do g.s.w. left leg 4.00 203,889 Pickel, Dominick do disease of left leg 6.00 Mar., 1882 180,745 Partridge, Edwin R. do injury to abdomen 8.00 Jan., 1881 162,182 Murdock, Thomas B. do disease of eyes 6.00 Aug., 1879 126,625 McLin, William do paralytic stroke left side 24.00 Feb., 1874 150,887 Payne, Alfred do g.s.w. right foot 4.00 138,247 Pears, William do g.s.w. left wrist 4.00 139,039 McConnel, Joseph G. do g.s.w. left chest & left arm 4.00 July, 1881 96,299 Reeve, Henry C. do g.s.w. face, affecting right eye 8.00 188,221 McNamara, Patrick do dis. of abdominal viscera & g.s.w. forehead 4.00 May, 1881 178,628 Moon, Milton D. do g.s.w. right foot 1.00 Nov., 1880 68,240 McColgan, Francis M. do g.s.w. of head 12.00 89,648 McDonald, Fred do g.s.w. left hand 8.00 7,587 Basker, Nancy do widow 1812 8.00 Aug., 1878 210,684 Moore, George do g.s.w.r. thigh 4.00 June 1882 118,235 McCay, George W. do disease of lungs 8.00 July, 1872 166,578 Dunn, George E. do inj. to left shoulder 8.00 Feb., 1880 181,395 Evans, George H. do chron.rheum. & disease of heart 6.00 Jan., 1881 215,509 Ellenburg, Francis M. do inj. to back and rt. shoulder 4.00 July, 1882 193,669 Durham, Thomas W. do shell wd. rt. hip 4.00 July, 1881 128,657 Davis, Oscar F. do disease of eyes 8.00 205,632 Drake, Jacob do injury to abdomen 2.00 Mar., 1882 179,245 Dunlap, Horace L. do inj. to foot and rt. ankle 12.75 184,373 Eldridge, Joseph L. do injury toabdomen 12.00 Mar., 1881 152,663 Eversoll, Levi D. do inj. to rt. hip and back 4.00 170,382 Edson, Willis do g.s.w. left shoulder 1.00 June, 1880 106,308 Foster, Perry T. do inj to right ankle 18.00 170,237 Fay, Joseph B. do inj. to head & genl. debil. from prison life. 15.00 Dec., 1880 96,834 Parter, Mary E. do widow 8.00 July, 1867 184,584 Friedrich, Abraham R. do dis. of heart from typh. fever 6.00 Mar., 1881 196,216 Rogers, Susan do widow 8.00 June, 1882 8,988 Sheldon, Matilda L. do do 17.00 Nov., 1863 109,692 Stevenson, Susan do do 8.00 Mar., 1868 52,688 Stokes, Rebecca C. do do 15.00 Aug., 1865 86,856 Covell, Laura A. do do 8.00 Nov., 1866 153,094 Christian, Melvina do do 8.00 Aug., 1871 136,947 Lloyd, Thomas do chron. rheumatism 8.00 183,524 Marshall, Benjamin do Chron. bronchitis 2.00 Mar., 1881 147,423 Williams, Lilburn A. do loss of sight of rt. eye 4.00 July, 1877 103,695 Van Order, Freeman do dep. father 8.00 Nov., 1868 1,930 Witmore, do widow, revolutionary war 8.50 141,034 Wood, Mary A. do widow 8.00 Mar., 1870 73,408 York, Permelia do do 8.00 130,797 54,748 Johnson, John A. do wd. through left lung and effects 12.00 193,317 Johnson, Horace H. do rheu. par. deafness, & tonsillitis 7.50 July,1881 113,752 Jones, Daniel C. do injury to abdomen 12.50 Sept., 1881 173,887 Johnson, Charles C. do frozen feet 12.00 159,188 Johnson, William H. do injury to abdomen 17.00 49,801 Irving, William do loss of left leg by g.s.w. 25.00 Sept., 1865 134,848 Husted, Thomas M. do g.s.w.rt. forearm & should. 6.00 180,860 Hill, Thomas J. do disease of lungs 14.00 Jan., 1881 152,932 Hindman, Samuel do g.s.w. right leg 15.00 176,913 Kingman, Lucius do chron. diarrhea 6.00 Oct., 1880 48,899 Jackson, Joseph do loss of left leg ab. knee 24.00 206,185 Keith, Wilson do dis. of lungs & chron. diarr. 8.00 Apr., 1882 141,263 Clover, Frank B. do dis of abdominal viscera 5.00 107,233 Babbitt, Laban S. do loss of teeth, chr. rheu. 4.00 May, 1882 109,448 Rhodes, Elijah do dis. eyes, nearly total blind 18.00 17,154 Wyman, James do wd. r. thigh 10.00 139,916 Hammon, Henry do injury to abdomen 4.00 118,003 Edwards, Francis M. do g.s.w.l. thigh 6.00 207,952 Avey, Andrew J. Wakarusa incised left foot 2.00 May, 1882 166,214 Mills, Elam do wd. left wrist 12.00 Mar., 1880 144,616 Kemerling, Francis do disease of left eye 4.00 Apr., 1877 28,600 Clark, Emery Waveland g.s.w. of head 12.00 53,418 Brown, William C. do g.s.w. rt. leg & rt. hand 16.00 Nov., 1878 --------------------------------------------------------------------- KSGENWEB INTERNET GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY COPYRIGHT NOTICE: In keeping with the KSGenWeb policy of providing free information on the Internet, this data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages cannot be reproduced in any format for profit or other gain. Copying of the files within by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged. Any other use, including publication, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission by electronic, mechanical, or other means requires the written approval of the file's author. ---------------------------------------------------------------------