Lebo Enterprise
Lebo, Coffey County, Kansas
Thursday, January 28, 1892
A good horse blanket for 65cts. Where? At J. L. Evans.
The Misses Cortners are at home from Quenemo.
Auction at the Furniture Store next Monday at 10 A.M.
C. W. Baxter has made several shipments of game to Chicago recently.
Mr. Jesse B. T. Nichols made a business trip to Lyndon and return Monday.
E. O. Williams received a car load of shelled corn from the west last Monday, and has been busy hauling it home to feed.
A good crowd attended the sale of Mrs. Stowels last Saturday, and fair prices were received for most everything.
George Hastings, of Topeka, is visiting his sister, Mrs. Robt. Childers.
Please call and settle your account at once. MANSON & CO.
Prof. Hicks and the weather bureau seem to have a perfect understanding with each others.
Dr. Manley, of Waverly, cousin of J. L. Evans, attended quarterly meeting here last Sunday.
A. E. Walton, who has been clerking in a grocery store at Kansas City, is at home for a vacation.
Frank McGinnis, of Burlington, is assisting J. L. Evans through with a rush of work in his harness shop.
Whildin & Tuller have placed a hundred head of cattle in their pasture south of town for feeding.
The moderation in the weather the last few days have caused farmers to overhaul their plows preparatory to spring work.
The A.T. & S.F.R.R. Co. reduced their force on the road again, last week, one man off of every section on this branch.
Mr. J. Griffiths has our thanks for two silver dollars subscription for himself and J. R. who is at work at his trade in Phoenix, Arizona.
N. G. Elder and B. F. Johnson made a business trip to Hartford and return yesterday. They report a swooping down of the authorities on the smart alecks who have been violating the liquor law in that town, just for the fun of outwitting the officers of the law. It will probably not be so funny for them before they get through with it.
The LeRoy Reporter is agitating the question of the county asking and receiving interest on its deposits. As this matter rest with the reform board of supervisors now in control of the matter, the tax-payers will anxiously look for and expect this move in their interests. You can get a fair rate of interest--will you do it.
M. M. Bush, of Blaine township, completed his threshing last week. Off of 225 acres he secured 2,817 bushels of wheat and 1,356 bushels of barley. As an example of what one man can accomplish, we might add that Mr. Bush put in his crop without any assistance whatever, uwing only three horses.--Lane County Herald.
C. W. Ransom's writing school at Arvonia is reported a grand success, with 27 scholars. They meet at the school house Tuesday and Friday evening each week. He will open another school at Barclay, Feb. 1st, with the promise of twenty scholars. Charley is a master of the art of plain and fancy penmanship, as he has abundantly proved by his master pieces of work.
The county printing dispute is in the courts, with the Republican on top, as far as heard from. Without knowing what the law is or what the custom has been, we should think that the new board would have a right to let the contract covering their own term of office. We have no pecuniary interest in the affair, however, but think that Bowman's $1,000 test out to satisfy the pig, and only throw out this feeler on the principle of "give the devil his due."
E. Foote, the Hartford Singer Sewing Machine Co.'s man, was in a few minutes last Saturday morning while waiting for J. L. Evans to repair a broken tug to his harness. Mr. Foote has been assigned to Burlington as his head quarters and took charge of the company's interest in that district last Monday. He will have three teams on the road, and says that he shall pattern after Gen. Pope by having his "headquarters in the saddle."
W. J. Bazil returned from Ottawa Wednesday.
They have a literary each week in district 44.
J. F. Kelley made a trip to Lyndon and return one day this week.
Mayor Davis made a business trip to Waverly and return, Tuesday.
Frank Colwell and wife, of Baldwin are visiting their parents in this city.
Mrs. Whildin is enjoying a visit from her sister, Mrs. Doster of Ottawa.
Not at cost--but below cost--Horse Blankets, at J. L. Evans.
Mrs. Dix, mother of Sam Dix, is quite ill at her home in South Lebo.
We must have the amount you are owing us at once. Manson & Co.
Wm. Glacken and wife spent Wednesday at Hartford, their old home.
J. Jos. Jones and Thos. Griffiths, of Arvonia, made a trip to Emporia Wednesday.
Roberts & Jones and Griff Jones shipped a car of hogs to K. C. Monday night.
Dr. Roup was enjoying a visit this week from an old friend and business partner, whose name we did not learn.
Wm. A Rulison started Tuesday to visit his mother at Burlingame and will take in Kansas City and Topeka before his return.
H. H. Middlebusher, who has been confined to the house for about a month with sickness was able to be out on the streets again last Tuesday.
The state of Kansas will be 31 years old to morrow, and the occasion will be duly celebrated by the Public Schools. Exercise in the M. E. church, commencing at 3 P.M.
Warren Hoar and wife, of Hall's Summit, were in attendace at Quarterly meeing here last Sunday and Monday. They were the guests of Mr. George Davis and family.
The city of Lebo is about to close a bargain with the Town lot company for 12 acres of ground west of the city taking in the pond, for a park. This is a move in the right direction.
A large number of drifts are being started in the coal banks north of town and the coal, it is said is gotten more easily and consequently with more profit to the miner than by the process of stripping.
W. H. Arnold is able to be on our streets again after quite a siege of sickness. We are indebted to him for subscription favors, a pleasant call and a refreshing interchange of thought on living problems. Thanks for all.
Niclas Ddu and Hwntw, a couple of our valued correspondents, who have "crossed pens" in prose and poetry in the columns of the ENTERPRISE, were welcome visitor one day this week. This was a case where "Welch met Welch," an event of far more significance in literary lore than the historical one of where "Greek met Greek."
We have made arrangements with the branh house in K. C. to print a series of twelve articles giving full instructions in short-hand writing, now coming so much in use among all classes of business and professional men. These lessons will be sufficient for any scholar who will take the pains to try to learn the accomplishment without further instruction. The articles will commence in two or three weeks, and we would like to see as many as can take advantage of the opportunity for instructions and amusement.
Grandpa Blue, of South Lebo, was made happy last Sturday by the assembling at his house of the boys, John and Jim, and their families, and a few other kinds friends, to celebrate his 73d birthday. About 15 or 20 in all were present, bringing presents of various kinds and value, including flowers and boquets, to attest the love and esteem in which he is held by those present and in fact all who have the pleasure of his acquaintance. A bountiful repast was spread, a general good time was had, and none enjoyed it more than he. May his joys increase as the years go by, and his countenance continue to reflect that peace and contentment begotten only of the consciousness of a life well spent, is the wish of all.
Coal oil 15 cts. at

Learn shorthand.
Lessons in shorthand.
Mrs. John S. Jones has gone on a visit to Emporia.
Lebo merchants report a big trade last Friday and Saturday.
Quite a number of strange faces about town nowadays.
Mrs. Fred Copeland made a short visit to Olivet Tuesday.
Geo. Reid has shipped in a car load or corn for his own use.
Lyman Elder, of Olivet, brother of N. G., was on our streets to-day.
Rev. D. Todd Jones was making pastoral calls in Lebo last Friday.
Miss Laura Evans visited in the coutry a couple of days this week.
A. M. Blair & Co. received another car load of flour this week.
A case of diptheria is reported in the family of Mr. Wilhoite.
J. L. Evans made a business trip to Burlington and return the other day.
J. H. Peters, our new county surveyor, is doing a job of work for the city west of town.
Attention is called to the advertisement of sale of David Moses, in another place.
A little son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilhoite, living east of town, is quite sick with diptheria.
W. E. Samuel and Joseph Challand went to Emporia to-day on a business trip.
Mr. Jacob O. Jones, of Emporia, called on W. E. Samuel last Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Johnson are enjoying a visit from Mrs. J.'s nephew Mr. Horace Lane, of Indianapolis, Ind.
Dr. Lusk was driving his young blooded flyer the other day. He's a gamey little piece of horseflesh and a genuine delight to a horse fancier.
Mrs. Saul Hunt, living about four miles south east, left for Illinois Wednesday to visit her parents--her father being quite ill.
Mrs. J. A. Dailey returned Monday from a visit to Mr. D. at Ottawa. We were sorry to learn that Mr. D. was about to loose the sight of his right eye. He goes to Topeka for treatment by a specialist, and it is to be hoped he may recover entirely.
Hugh F. Jones has sold his resident property just west of the M. E. church to Lawson Thomas. Mr. Jones will move on his farm recently purchased from David Moses, and Lawson will _________, _______, well maybe we had better not tell.
An appropriation has been passed by the House of Representatives to cover the cost of allotment of the Indian lands in the strip to the tribes entitled to allotments, and it is thought the territory will be thrown open to settlement by April 1st.
Gomer Jones stopped off at this place over Sunday, being on his way after some cattle up in the western part of the state. He has heretofore been such a fimiliar figure on our streets it seems odd to be without him, Gomer has hosts of friends here who wish him unbounded success.
The ENTERPRISE sanctum is now equipped with a bran splinter new No. 10, 6 shot, silver escapement, breech loading, backward firing, stem winding, Winchester shot gun. It was purchased for the purpose of affording a little innocent recreation for the editor, and is loaded for advance agents, dead beats, and scabs who haven't got sense enough to know it is to their own interests to patronize home institutions.
Penfield Lodge I.O.O.F. No. 116 held their installation exercises last Thursday night, having a supper and lecture by Rev. J. R. Ramsey, of this city, on the program. N. G. Elder, J. H. Rice, B. F. Johnson, J. M. Manson, R. C. Smith and Rev.Ramsey and brother went from here, and a goodly number from Melvern were in attendance. They boys got home about 1 o'clock next morning, and report it as being a grand success financialy and otherwise.


W.P. EVANS. Editor and Proprietor.

Entered at the Post Office at Lebo, Kansas, as second class matter.


THURSDAY, JAN. 28, 1892.

CHICAGO get the democratic national convention, but the ward politicans of New York City will control it, just the same.
The Kansas contingent are getting in their inning in Washington just not. Peffer has wakened up the old fossils in the senate, and Jerry is making himself heard in the house.
A WESTERN Bohemian attributes the prevalence of the grip to the mulitplicity of secret organizations. This fellow ought to be shot and his bones allowed to bleach on the sands of the sea.
Peffer has occupied the position of United State's senator about five weeks, and has introduced more financial schemes than all the rest put together. Great is Peffer. But then you must remember Ingalls introduced a great many bills.
JUSTICE Bradley, of the Supreme Court is dead. He was appointed by Grant, and has been on the bench 22 years, the last three years being an invalid, unable to be on duty only a part of the time. He is the third member of that honorable body to lay down their work during the present administration, the first being Justice Matthews, the second Justice Mitler.
The tariff issue is about played out. It makes a decent, intelligent and respectable audience awful tired to hear it discussed.--Alliance Ex.
That is, since the verdict of the voters last fall, you mean. It will be the same with the flat money and sub-treasury schemes after next election.
The sex that is first in Sunday school and the last in jail, which is most strongly represented at church and at prayer meetings and at the missionary meetings, and most feebly at the liquor saloons and tobacco shops of the land, which does the least in the world's preaching, and the most of its practicing, which makes a poor figure in a battle between Christian nations and a splendid figure in battle between right and wrong--such a sex forms a very large part of the power for righteousness. To turn this purifying stream away from politics is equivalent to aserting that politics has no need for righteousness.
--Wives and Daughters.
The democratic party are casting about for an issue to fight next year's battle on. The silver question won't do; there's too much division in their own ranks for that. The tariff question is so nearly settled satisfactorily to the people that it won't do. A few years ago the surplus in the treasury was a great shibboleth, but it has been wisely disposed of. A war with Chili rests with the democrats in the House, and no issue can come from that. Economy in public expenditures is too gauzy to answer their purpose. In fact the only issue they thus far have is the one of spoils, and it is too uncertain. Verily, the crying need of the opposition is a plausible, tangible, sensible issue as a pretext upon which to get into office.
I will offer for sale at public auction at my farm one mile west and one mile north of Lebo, and three miles south of Arvonia on
February 10th 1892, commencing at 10, o'clock, A.M. the following property, to wit:
3 good mares.
1 good work horse.
1 two year old horse colt.
1 mare colt.
8 milch cows.
4 yearling steers.
6 yearling heifers.
3 steer calves.
2 heifer calves.
10 hed of hogs.
2 set wagon harness.
1/2 set wagon harness.
1 lumber wagon.
1 feed wagon and hay rack.
1 spring wagon.
1 mowing machine.
1 hay rake.
1 corn planter.
2 check rows.
1 sulky plow.
1 stirring plow.
1 harrow.
1 riding corn cultivator.
1 walking corn cultivator.
About 10 tons of timothy hay.
About 10 tons of prairie hay.
Also household goods, kitchen furniture and many other articles too numerous to mention.
All sums of $10 and under cash. All sums over $10 a credit of twelve months will be given, with approved security, without interest, if paid when due. If not paid when due, 10 per cent interest will be charged from date of note until paid two securities required on notes. 8 per cent off for cash. DAVID MOSES.
J. S. EDIE. Auctioneer.
Free Lunch at Noon.
Additional Locals.

Misses Cora Swindler and Bird Jones are among those who have been gripping, but who are nicely progressing toward recovery.
J. D. W. Jones returned last week from an extended visit to Ohio, Illinois and Wisconsin. He says this is the place for him.
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Williams were at Melvern this week called there by the serious sickness of Mr. Mayes, father of Mrs. W.
The R. R. Co. are rebuilding their bridges along this line, and work is progressing rapidly on the first one east of town.
Mrs. Bell Hamilton returned from Oklahoma last Monday. She expects to start a dressmaking shop in that country.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Arnold have occupied the resident property lately purchased and fitted up for the occassion.
Bill Lewis went to Burlington to try his fast horses on Wednesday as he thinks his horses can go the 24 miles in 2:40.
Mr. Joseph Challand went to Pomona last Tuesday where his coal mines are running in full blast. The coal is all being taken out by machinery.
Bill N. Jones is building a fine smoke house on his place. This smoke house when it is completed will be one of the finest in the state of Kansas. Paint it red Bill.
The Lodge room and the church houses, the reading circle and other places of social and literary entertainment are fast making the drink shops and other places of iniquity "back number."
We acknowledge receipt of the annual report of P. M. Gen. Wannamaker. It is a little book of 183 pages bound in blue paper cover, containing within its folds a vast amount of interesting information, gotten up in a very attractive manner.
A series of twelve lessons in shorthand will be published on the patent side of this paper, commencing in two or three weeks continuing consecutively each week. Any one who tries can from these lessons become proficient in stenography.
The county commissioners of Chase county are Alliance. The Chase County Republican made a bid of one-fourth legal rates for the county printing. The Leader, also Republican, bid one-eighth legal rates. The Courant, Democratic, made the nominal bid of $1 for the year. The printing was awarded to the Reveille, an Alliance paper at full legal rates.
David Moses, living a few miles northwest of town, who advertises a sale of personal property in another place was solicited to subscribe for the ENTERPRISE. "I can't read English" was his reply, which would have been a good and sufficient excuse, but being shown a copy containing a column in his native language, he planked down a silver dollar for a year's subscription without further hesitating about it. We have received a good many such evidences of appreciation of our efforts to please this large class of worthy citizens, and calculate making it as interesting for them as possible.
A good many loads of hay were delivered in town the last few days, which might be termed making hay while the sun shines.
Is hereby given that I will be at home about the 13th of February, 1892 to make my semi-annual call to supply my customers with any thing in the nursery line that they may be in need of.

Rev. Plowman occupied the Baptist pulpit again last Sunday evening and is continuing the meetings every evening. This Rev. gentleman is working this field for all there is in it--he seems determined to arouse the natives from their lethargy, and his audiences are on the increase. He cordially invited every one to come.
Won't some of Lebo's citizens, largely and ably assisted by the folks living in the country, start a move towards Arbor day? A few teams, plenty of men and lots of snap and ginger will have the school house grounds planted with trees and each year will show such improvement by the care and work on Arbor day that it will pay big interest on the labor expended as well as make us a beauty spot. The same can be applied to a city park.
The "old boys" are taking renewed interest in the Post now a-days. Several new members are reported and the meetings on Post days are looked forward to with interest. This is right boys. Come in--there's no politics in it. The Post meets at 2 o clock and members are requested to be promptly on time so as to get through with their business in time for the W. R. C. to hold their meetings same evenings.
Nodion Gymreig o Arvonia.
Mae yma lawer wedi bod yn sal gan y grippe yn ddiweddar ond y maent agos oil yn gwella.
Cydolygwn a Hwntw o berthynas i gael Eisteddfod yn Arvonia rywle tun'r 4ydd o Gorphenaf, gan fod yr amser yn rhy fyr i'w chael dydd Gwyl, Dewi.
Hefyd y mae boys Peterton wedi cael y blaen arnom y two hwn. Yn awr am dani Feohgyn Arvonia, a Lebo, shaed cael Eisteddfod Boys "Up and be doing" ynte, "Get into the wagon and we'll all take a ride." Rhaid caer Eisteddfod er nad oes:--
Nac clew yn y sten
Na ohern yn y ffetan,
Nac ar y wyneb wen,
Rhaid ini gael Eisteddiod
Oe eracuen asgwm gen.
Gair at Tavalaw, amynedd yn hen gyfaill, mae yn wir yod; Fod garmod o bwdin yn ddigon i dagu ci--eto mae mor wired a bod bara mewn torth rhaid bwyta y pwdin ar ol ei' neid.
Da genym glywed fod "mulin" Tav. wedi troi yn Geffyl Gwin.
Idea dda oedd gan Northman i gynal Eisteddfod a'r elw i fyned i gael ceffyl Gwyn yn bresant i Tavalaw, canys:--
Golwg fawreddog a wellir,
Ar Tavalaw a'i geffyl gwyn;
Yn gyru fel Jehu i Reading'.
A'r bobol yn edrych yn syn.
Idea oruchel odidog,
Yn cynal Eisteddfod fawreddog.
A'r elw i fyned fel hyn,
I gael eart a cheffyl gwyn;
I Tavalaw y cerrdor dyddan,
Er hwylio a melusio i gan.

Johnnie and Stephen Doasvell have come home from Colorado, and report very cold weather with lots of snow.
Mr. Hamdens and Bowlands boys went coon hunting the other night. It wasn't a good night.
Frank H. Robson starts for Philadelphia, Kas., next Monday.
Mr. Robson, of Section, burnet out a large draw last Saturday for the purpose of destroying rabbits. A large crowd were in attendance and about 55 rabbits were killed.
Ed. Lebo came home from Doniphan county to visit his mother. Geo.
Troublesome Creek.
The lovely weather, the singing of birds, the relaxation of the grippe and the preparation for plowing and otherwise arranging for an agricultural campaign, indicate that spring draweth nigh, and the faces of the sturdy farmer, the ex-alliance man and the democrat indicate the hope and trust that those conditions in connection with the McKinley bill, reciprocity, etc. are producing confidence in the powers that be.
The scarlet fever scare alluded to a couple of weeks ago has subsided.
Mr. Harvermale the new teacher at No. 60 is getting on nicely with the school.
Thomas Lawler has moved from our midst; his place of residence will be four miles west of Hartford.
Mr. Buchtel an old soldier living on one of John Hopkinson's farms is ordered to Emporia for a medical examination with a view to an increase of his pension.
J. M. Dunfield learns of the gradual improvement of his little daughter. It is devoutely hoped that her mother will soon be permitted to return with her fully restored to her former health.
M. L. Vermillion was at home some days ago looking well with his accustomed smile, indicating his cheerful disposition. His brother Lloyd was also at home a few days. Lloyd has been for some time in the Badger Creek Valley.
Sol Still looks like me might pinch through until spring with his usual allowance of smoking tobacco.
John M_____ it is reported will soon take unto himself a sharer of life's pleasures and toils.
Dr. Robbins has been making some professional visits in this locality.
Dick Moore living on the county line is sick.
Some of the people conclude that Sherman's bummers are not all dead yet. The depleted hen roosts argue that there is likely to be trouble accrue from such raids yet. Hints to the wise are sufficient. Suspicions are aroused and something may drop. The republican, democrat and alliance man are fully agreed on that point.
A certain gentleman was seen on Manson's corner last Saturday evening who we heard say there was something about to be raised. It sounded to us like the name of a locality below the state of Kansas. We hurried on from there, as our neves were rather a disordered condition and have not learned as to the succes of the effort but hope, for the good of the city, that it failed.

The following Price List will be in force and effect during the month of January, 1892.
Pork,whole or half hog, 5cts.
dosteak, 10 cts.
doroast, 7 cts.
Beef,per quarter, 4 and 5 cts.
dosteak, best cut, 10 cts.
doround, 3 lbs for 25 cts.
dochuck steak, 7 1/2 cts.
doboiling, 5 cts.
Lard,10 cts.
do12 lbs for $1.00
Sausage,10 cts.
do3 lbs for 25 cts.

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