From the collections at the Leavenworth County Historical Society and Museum. Reprinted with permission from The Leavenworth County Historical Society and Museum and the Leavenworth Times. Donated by Debra Graden.

The Anthony Letters

Even the Army Is Opposed to Slave Order As Others Are

Leavenworth Times, 1956-7


Tishomingo Hotel

Corinth, Mississippi

July 9th 1862

Dear Father:

From present appearances the case of my arrest may go to Washington. They are very sensitive here in regard to it and there is a general desire not to meddle much with it.

Two aids of General Mitchell called on me today. We had a splendid time chatting on various subjects. No mention was made of the arrest (the two aids are the principal witnesses against me). The visit ended by their inviting me to partake of sparkling Catawba at their rooms, with their "earnest and sincere" assurance of friendship for me.

Well, everybody evades the slave order here, more or less. the army is opposed to it and won't stand it long. I wrote Lane and Pomeroy today and closed by "hoping the time would soon come when a rebel onion would not be considered more sacred than the life of a Union soldier."

Major Lee has rec'd orders from the War Department to take command of the reg't as colonel, which I suppose settles that matter. I never had so many friends in the regiment as now.


D. R. Anthony

Quite a few have cramps, here--belly ache and biles -- among the latter myself. Susan writes this day and says she begins to think we may come back alive. Well, I haven't thought of coming back unless I was.




Camp Sheridan, Jacinto

Tishomingo County, Miss.

July 22, 1862

Dear Aaron:

We are now the advance regiment. No enemy stationed nearer than Bay Springs, 18 miles S.E., though scouting parties come much nearer. I go tomorrow with a large force to reconnoitre in that vicinity. Fifty miles south there are 60,000 of the enemy.

My health has been poor, is now better. Have offered my resignation in consequence of Lee's appointment as colonel over me. It was refused. I hope for an appointment as colonel soon. If I had a good friend of the governor of Illinois, Indiana, or N.Y., who would secure it, I would like it--or who would give me a letter of authority to raise a regiment. No letters from you for past month.


D. R. Anthony

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