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Conf: ByLaws Discussion, Msg: 407
From: Teresa Lindquist (
Date: 2/23/1999 12:05 PM

Attached below are some additional ideas and input by the CC Bylaws Committee... Any comments are very welcome!

On 2/18/99 8:20:52 AM, Teresa Lindquist wrote:

>3. The NC would be an
>ex-officio member of this
>committee, and vote only in
>case of a tie

Ex-officio membership must be limited in the committee instructions. Under PP the NC would have the right to participate in debate, make motions and vote as a regular member of the committee. That degree of influence is probably not advisable, the instructions should limit the NC involvement.

>6. The committee would be a
>standing committee

This means they would serve continuously until their replacements are in place.

>We need to talk also about
>procedural rules for the GC,
>including such things as: a)
>when the GC gets involved; b)
>confidentiality; c) reporting
>requirements (to the Board
>and/or the project
>membership); d) membership
>requirements for the GC; e)

Some ideas:

a) Only when lower echelon resolution of the matter fails except in the case of CC dismissals which ought to be reviewed by request of either the SC or CC involved. b) The GC must function in "Executive Session" with only a synopsis of action taken being reported to the board for the general minutes. Archives of the GC e-list must be maintained and available only to committee members and the NC. A 2/3 vote of the GC could release archival info in whole or in part to the general membership.
c) GC reports to the board should be in the form of a motion on which board action is limited to accept or re-commit. The GC minority must be allowed to submit a statement to be "read" into the minutes of the board for each action if desired. The responsibility for public reporting rests solely with the board.

d) Six months continuous service as a CC or SC as appropriate.
