From the collections at the Leavenworth County Historical Society and Museum. Reprinted with permission from The Leavenworth County Historical Society and Museum and the Leavenworth Times. Donated by Debra Graden.

The Anthony Letters

Loses Interest in Regiment Even After Freed of Charges

Leavenworth times, 1956-7


Camp, 2 mi S.S. of

Rienza, Miss.

July 27, 1862

Dear Father:

Yours of the 17th inst recd, but no papers. I wish you would cutout all notices and send me the slips in a letter. they will come safer.

In consequence of my release from arrest--so unexpectedly -- the history of my matters will not require so much ink. However, I desire a number of any papers containing notices affecting me.

Would the papers like to have letters from here occasionally. If so, send me word and I will write or get someone to write.

Nine companies of our regt. leave this afternoon for Ripley, 30 miles west, to catch a few Secesh who are recruiting in that town. I do not go, but Merritt is going.

I have lost much of the interest I had in the regiment. To see a colonel over me is too much, particularly when he knows so little and has not got the confidence of the men.

On my return to camp after my release from arrest, the band serenaded me and nearly the whole regiment came out and gave three cheers for me, three for Jennison, and three for Lane and Pomeroy.

Well, if I can resign honorably or get promoted to a colonelcy in another regt. all O.K., but I do detest serving under a man who has violated every obligation he owed to me. I don't respect him as a man or as an officer, or honor him either.

As to your going to Leavenworth, I would like to have you go when you can, consistently -- say within a month when the peach season and hot weather is over.

Write often and direct to

Lt. Col. D. R. Anthony

7th Regt Kan Vol (in the field)

Via Cairo and Corinth.



Hqrs. 7th Kansas

Camp near Rienza, Miss.

July 30, 1862

Dear Father:

The regt that went to Ripley found a camp of 100 Secesh cavalry (3rd Alabama) but unfortunately they got new our coming and skedaddled two hours before. Ripley is surrounded by some thousands of Secesh troops and it was not deemed prudent for us to remain there long.

I send you five small bills such as the southerners have for small change. Confederate notes and southern bank notes for $1, $2, $3, $5 and upwards -- no gold in this country. If the people of Rochester desire to see them, exhibit them in the Arcade or at Powers, and afterwards take care of them as I desire to keep them.

I don't remember as I wrote you, but last fall I made my will and deposited it with G. G. Walker of Leavenworth. So in case I get popped over that document can be found. It's short -- only five lines. I have only one debt, $2,500 mortgage on the north building on Main Street and I will close all indebtedness as soon as I can go to Leavenworth.

Matters political and military in Kansas as usual are all jumbled up. No knowing who will come out best, but appearances indicate that Lane is ahead.

I again resigned by commission as lt col on acct of an insulting article that appeared in the Cincinnati Gazette purporting to be written at the request of Gen'l Rosencrans by his adjutant general, Capt J. H. Odlin, I took the resignation myself as far as Gen'l Grant and Gen'l Granger, cmdg cav div; by Gen'l Rosencrans, cmdg Army of Miss.; and by Maj. Gen'l Grant, domdg. dist. It has now gone to Gen'l Halleck at Washington.

I hope it will now go through as I don't want to serve under Lee.

Gen'l Rosencrans has written to the Gazette over his own signature denying that he authorized the article, but I don't care for that. I have other reasons for getting into a better place.

The weather is hot and sultry. No air stirring -- hot until midnight and by morning you have to have a woolen blanket over you to keep warm.

I shall know in two weeks whether my resignation is accepted.

Write often,

D. R. Anthony

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